What, Me Worry?
Larry Davis
I help Real Estate Professionals emotionally protect themselves from stress, worry, negativity thereby improving relationships, increasing happiness, performance & career satisfaction.
Brought to you by Larry Davis, PeopleMagic?
One Day Without Worry?
Let’s be real. It’s impossible to completely rid your life of worry. Worrying is a part of being human. However, you can definitely worry less, and do things that help lessen the impact that it has on your life.
?One way to do that is to give yourself a mini-vacation, and actively take a break from worry. This doesn’t mean ignoring your problems or stuffing your feelings. After all, your best defense against worry is to face a few things head-on. The trick is to do it on your own terms. ?
With that in mind, here are three things you can do to create a worry-free day.
?1.???Morning Boost
Spend 5 minutes writing down 3 things that you appreciate about yourself. Remembering why you’re great gives you more strength and control. ?
2.???Physical Commitment
Next, make a small commitment that’s exercise related. Maybe it’s a walk around the block, or 30 squats. Then do it. Getting into your body releases empowering endorphins. Making and keeping small commitments reinforces the belief that you can handle anything, and again, gives you a sense of control…the ultimate worry buster.
?3.???Tackle The Toughies
When you get into the office, dive right into the most challenging project you have. You’re all fired up and fresh, so you might as well tackle the tough stuff, and then you don’t have to worry about it later, when you’re tired. If you catch yourself worrying about anything, write it down and come back to it later.
?As the day draws to an end and your energy wanes, it’s natural for your defenses to drop. When this happens, negative, worrisome thoughts start creeping in. After all, it’s perfectly natural to worry a little bit.
?As you notice those thoughts, thank your brain for keeping you safe. Then write the thoughts down and ask yourself, “Is this something I can control?” If so, circle it so you can come back to it tomorrow.??If not, let it go.
?How Will You Spend Your One Day Without Worry?
?Please leave any thoughts on this below.?Love to hear what you have to say.?Do you have a favorite way to worry less?