"What, me worry???

"What, me worry???

For Real Estate Professionals?

Breaking Free Tip #2: Worry Well?

Karen and Mike started dating in law school, and pretty soon it became apparent that they had very different worry styles. They were both highly intelligent, and both high achievers. However, while Karen was a bit of a pessimist and often worried about things going wrong, she noticed that Mike was a bit more easy going and optimistic. ?

He’d often tell her, “Quit worrying so much, babe. Just relax!” which of course, drove Karen bananas.?

When school was done, they both took the bar exam…a grueling test that demanded months of focused preparation. And then…they waited.

?Neither of them would know their test results for 3 months.

?Karen being Karen, she woke up with anxiety almost every day. For 3 months. Did she cite the right cases? Were her arguments compelling? What’ll happen if she fails? ?

Mike being Mike, he pushed it to the side and focused elsewhere. He practiced yoga, played video games, rearranged his house, went out drinking with friends, and planned his celebration trip to Mexico. He put the test aside and got on with life. ?

Finally, the results came in…and neither of them passed.

?Who do you think fared better?

?Yes, you’re right, Karen was crushed. She cried. It wasn’t pretty.

But after her crying spout, she gathered herself together, scheduled her next test date, and implemented Plan B.?This time she was going to work with a tutor and do more practice tests and essays.?She was determined to be better prepared and pass the 2nd time around.?

Mike, on the other hand, COMPLETELY lost his mind. All the worry he’d pushed away for 3 months came rushing in like a freight train, and he spiraled into a depression that lasted for 3 weeks.?With this confidence at an all-time low, he questioned whether he even wanted to practice law.?

So, did Karen the worrier have the right plan?

?Well, kinda. She put herself through 3 months of low-grade hell which isn’t recommended.?But she did have a Plan B.?

?Research shows that those who acknowledge their worry, feel the impact, then make contingency plans in both directions actually fare the best of all. It’s called “defensive pessimism.” They recognize that the worst may happen and prepare accordingly. Then they accept that the best could happen too and align their mind with that.

Hope for the best, plan for the worst, and everything will work out.

?As a real estate professional, worry can take over your attitude and dramatically detract from your career satisfaction.

I would like to add a couple of closing thoughts to remember about worrying.?

Worry is not “real” in the sense you can’t show it to me. It is a mental construct done primarily by humans.?

Here’s my definition of worry: Worry is a negative imaginary event projected into the future with the fear that it will come to pass.?

Two things to remember:

1.The majority of things you worry about never happen! You’ve created a lot of stress and negativity for nothing!!?

2. Worry is almost always about a negative event in the future


Here is a?PeopleMagic Worry Strategy for you from one of my signature talks ……..

?Stay & live in the present moment. Worry does not exist in the present but in only the future. If you worry, you have left the present and stepped into the future. Be aware of this, and immediately come back to the present.?

How??Your body is always living in the present.?So a good tip is to focus on your breathing or how a part of your body feels like becoming aware of the bottoms of your feet and if they are ?warm, cold, etc. Another way is to ?Be aware of ?external sounds and sights.?All effective ways to become present. It flat out works.?Do it and prove it to yourself and let me know..?

Please leave your comments and especially your results from using the PeopleMagic Worry Strategy.?Look forward to reading them!


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