What, to me, is the Fourth of July?
Frederick Douglass, ca. 1852 Daguerreotype photo by Samuel J. Miller

What, to me, is the Fourth of July?

Peruse the speech of one of history's most photographed men and most prolific speakers, “WHAT, TO THE SLAVE, IS THE FOURTH OF JULY”.

To be Black in America is to all too often be doubly conscious of my Blackness -- my brilliance, my beauty, my ancestry and culture, the nation's oppression and constricting structure that attack it -- and my Americanness -- liberty, opportunity, democracy, history of slavery and contradicting Constitutional law of the land.

While I am thankful to be born into a land rich with freedom and opportunity, I will always be aware of the history that got me here, the things that stand against me today, and the determination I have to not let them infringe upon who I am and will continue to become.

Enjoy this day, in the way that safely and truly makes you feel, free.?

#TheFourthofJuly?#FrederickDouglass?#DrHomegirl #BlackStudies #AfricanaStudies #Africanamericanstudies #AfricanDiaspora?



