What is Maya? What is illusion?

What is Maya? What is illusion?

Here's - What is Maya? What is illusion?

Which you may wonder after knowing.

Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.

These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.

Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.

Love and light to you!

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22 December 2023

My Maya Itself Acting

*Due to my presence!

My Maya itself acting!

*I am Purush!

My Maya is Prakriti!

*What is Maya?

My body is Maya!

Your body is Maya!

This world is Maya!

Sun, moon, stars Maya!

Sky, water, air, fire, earth Maya!

*Only I exist!

My Maya doesn't exist!

Mays seems to exist!

I am seeing my Maya!

Maya can not see Me!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

Happy Gita Jayanti.


20 November 2023

Only Good Exists

*Bad doesn't exist!

Only Good exists!

Even this is not true!

I shall say-

Only the best exists!

*Almighty is everywhere!

Krishna is everywhere!

No place is without Krishna!

Hence only the best exists!

Bad doesn't exist!

*Good and bad are relative terms!

But they are in dream of self!

They exist only in ignorance!

They exist only in Maya illusion!

*When Atma wakes up!

When self wakes up!

Then Atma finds!

Only Atma exists!

World doesn't exist!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

20 October 2023

People also ask- Who is Pravin Agrawal?

For Pravin Agrawal, this world seems to exist but it doesn't exist like a dream since he has already realized this truth.

When anything doesn't exist, then why to break our heads?

But for the good of the people who don't know this truth he regularly shares his posts, blogs, articles etc.

Pravin Agrawal never wanted his publicly. But people want to know-Who is Pravin Agrawal.

Pravin says-


Don`t go to name.......don`t go to body......don't go to photo.....see only thoughts.....see only lesson......see only message......since no thought is mine.....all are universal messages.....all lessons are already followed and practiced by our great saints.....truth never changes.....it remains the same even after crores of years.......and time is itself in maya......since god never

changes, so truth never changes.....hence don`t go to name.

Pravin also says-



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Knower of Brahman becomes Brahman only

Talk 471.

D.: The avatars are said to be more glorious than the self-realised

jnanis. Maya does not affect them from birth; divine powers are

manifest; new religions are started; and so on.


(1) “Jnani tvatmaiva me matam.”

(2) “Sarvam khalvidam brahma.”

How is an avatar different from a Jnani; or how can there be an

avatar as distinct from the universe?

D.: The eye (chakshu) is said to be the repository (ayatana) of all

forms; so the ear (srotra) is of all sounds, etc. The one Chaitanya

operates as all; no miracles are possible without the aid of the

senses (indriyas). How can there be miracles at all? If they are said

to surpass human understanding so are the creations in dreams.

Where then is the miracle?

The distinction between Avataras and Jnanis is absurd.

“Knower of Brahman becomes Brahman only” is otherwise


M.: Quite so.

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17 Aug 2023

Beautiful Story Of Ramcharitmanas-

*When I was child, I studied this beautiful story in Ram Charit Manas. I couldn't forget this story even now. This is the episode of Vishwa-Mohini Swayamvar.

*Devarshi Narad is a true devotee of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu loves him too much.

Once Narad became proud of his virtues. He praised himself. He was under the impression that he was the most handsome man, most smart, top most devotee of Lord Vishnu.

*Lord Vishnu knew about this. He can not see any shortcomings in His true Devotees. Hence He decided something.

*Narad was going somewhere. On the way he saw a very beautiful city decorated with beautiful flowers. It appeared that the residents of this beautiful city were celebrating Diwali.

*He asked some of the residents- What is happening here?

The resident of the city replied- You don't know? This city is in the kingdom of a very powerful king. He has organized Swayamvar for the marriage of his beautiful daughter. She is the most beautiful girl in the world having all the virtues of any Goddess. Meanwhile that girl was passing by with her friends towards some garden.

Narad saw her beauty. Narad couldn't believe it. She was so beautiful like Goddess Lakshmi.

*Narad returned to his home and went straight to Lord Vishnu.

He said to Lord Vishnu- O Lord, you always praise me saying that I never ask anything from you. Today I want something.

Lord Vishnu knows everything. Even then He replied- Yes Narad! What do you want?

Narad said- Please make me the most handsome man in the world.

Lord Vishnu replied- Okay.

*Now Narad was too happy. He straight away went to the marriage-place in the Swayamvar.

*Swayamvar started. Many handsome kings decorated with beautiful clothes and ornaments were sitting in the beautiful Raj Bhawan. Narad also occupied one chair.

*The girl, named Vishwa Mohini, started to select the most suitable match for her. One by one she was passing by every seat of the kings from different countries. Narad was fully confident that he would win this Swayamvar.

*Now it was the turn of Narad. The girl came towards Narad and went away laughing at him.

*Narad was very annoyed. He was so sad. He straight away went to Lord Vishnu.

There were two Darbari or Ganas of Lord Vishnu. Their names were Jay and Vijay. They laughed after seeing the face of Narad.

*Narad saw his face in the mirror. He couldn't imagine. His face was like a monkey.

*Narad was very furious with Lord Vishnu.

He cursed Lord Vishnu- You did not make me the most handsome in the world. Instead you changed my face like a monkey.

*He cursed Jay and Vijay- You will become demons in your next birth.

*He cursed Lord Vishnu- You will also face the same state in your next incarnation as I am feeling now. You will also miss your wife like I am missing Vishwa Mohini.

Then, my face will help you. Only monkeys will help you.

*Lord Vishnu replies- Okay Narad. No problem. Your words will be true.

But go to the same city now.

*Narad went to the same city. But he couldn't find the city now. Neither city was there, nor Vishwa Mohini was there.

Lord Vishnu pulled back His Maya. Hence the city was not found now. City was created just to teach the lesson to Narad. City was created just to end the pride or ego of Narad.

*Now Narad has become cool. He asks for an apology from Lord Vishnu and His Ganas.

Lord Vishnu said that it happened as per His wish.

Narad told Jay and Vijay - You will be demons in your next birth but the most powerful. Then Lord Vishnu Himself will have to take incarnation to kill you. Then you will be liberated.

*Due to this reason Lord Vishnu took the incarnation of Lord Rama. Jay and Vijay took the next birth of Ravana and Kumbhakarna and were killed by Lord Rama. Rama had to miss his wife Sita. Lord Hanuman came to help Lord Rama as a monkey.

*Do you know? Why have I shared this story?

This is the state of most of us in this world.

This world is also like the city of illusion mentioned in this episode.

We are fighting for the things which really do not exist!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


17 August 2023

Nothing was there, Nothing will remain

*Initially nothing was there in the world!

Finally nothing will remain in the world!

Except one Almighty and yourself!

*Even now!

Nothing is there in the world!

Whatever you see now!

That is Duniya Ka Mela!

Its meaning in English-

It is like a drama!

It is like a movie!

To test yourself!

To examine yourself!

To trap yourself!

To cheat yourself!

*Whatever you see now!

That is seen!

Like dream is seen!

Like mirage is seen in the desert!

Like shadow is seen!

Like rainbow is seen in the sky!

Like sky is seen blue!

*And you are here!

On this planet earth!

To verify this truth!

By yourself only!

*It is a big challenge to you!

To get out of this Indra-Jaal!

To get out of this spider web!

To get out of this illusion!

To get out of this Maya!

To get out of this trap!

After knowing this truth!

*What you are doing?

On this beautiful planet earth!

You are just waiting to die!

You are entangled in other issues!

Hence you have forgotten this truth!

You have forgotten your reality!

Since you forgot Almighty!

Just after taking the birth!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


12 April 2023

No Mind, No World

*Everything visible!

By mind!

*Only Self exists!

Nothing else exists!

*If mind is not available!

Then no world available!

*Mind is like Goggles!

Through which!

Self sees the world!

*We exist even without mind!

We exist even without intellect!

*Mind creates illusion!

Intellect creates illusion!

Of this world and Dwait!

*Dwait doesn't exist!

Only Adwait exists!

*Maya means!

Things which don't exist!

Illusion means!

Things which don't exist!

But they seem to exist!

Like mirage and rainbow!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


9 March 2023

TV Screen and Maya

*I am like huge TV screen!

Movie of world runs on me!

*My body plays in this movie!

I start to assume myself as body!

I forget that I am huge TV screen!

*Thus I create ego!

Thus I am trapped!

In this world movie!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


20 Jan 2023

No one can say that he is God

*God is Sat Chit Anand!

No one can say that he is God!

*If one is settled in God!

Then he is in Samadhi!

Then no one else remains!

Except one Almighty God!

*Then no one is there to speak!

Then no one is there to listen!

*Hence who will say?

Hence who will listen?

*Then you can't say that you are God!

Then no one can say that he is God!

*Then world ends!

Then Maya ends!

Then illusion ends!

Then ignorance ends!

*Then only one Almighty is left!

Then only one Paramatma is left!

Then only one Atma is left!

Only one Sat Chit Anand is left!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


6 Jan 2023

Glass Prism and Rainbow

*I am Chidakash Atma!

I am everywhere!

Nothing exists except me!

*When you see from glass prism!

You see rainbow of seven colors!

*One color of light is converted!

To seven colors of light!

Thus you see the illusion!

*When I think of body!

Body is created!

I see from the brain!

Brain acts as glass prism!

I start to see!

Rainbow of this universe!

*Thus I see this Maya!

Thus I see this illusion!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


6 Jan 2023

Five senses, five elements

*I am Chidakash Atma!

When I imagine!

Five senses, five elements!

They are created!

*Five senses act with five elements!

Thus play of this Universe starts!

*Only they are acting between them!

Thus body and world are created!

*Thus Maya starts to act!

Thus illusion starts to act!

*I remain independent!

I remain as it is!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


24 DEC 2022

How Chitt is Created?

*By not seeing anything by Atma!

We create Chitt!

Chitt is illusion!

It is called subtle mind!

*You may be knowing!

Doctors fix a light!

On their head!

To see anything!

*We can assume!

This light as Atma!

And body of Doctor as Prakriti!

*If we see through Atma!

We will see only Atma!

Atma sees only Atma!

Then no Maya!

Then no illusion!

*If we see through body!

We will see world!

Body sees only world!

Then we see Maya!

Then we see illusion!

*You are combination of!

Purush and Prakriti!

*You are Purush or Atma!

Your body is Prakriti!

*It is like this!

You are wearing dress of Prakriti!

Purush is wearing dress of Prakriti!

It is due to such nature!

*If we see through Chinmay!

We see only Chinmay!

If we see through Jad!

We see only Jad!

*Thus, it is a play of!

Purush and Prakriti!

*And it is called Maya!

It is called illusion!

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18 DEC 2022

No one can know Atma-Gyani

*On this earth no one can know Atma-Gyani.

No one can know that you are self-realized.

Such people can be known only by those persons who are in the same state or in higher state.

*Such person can be known only if he informs other about his experiences. And he informs for the benefit of others since he has fulfilled his very purpose of taking birth on this earth. He has no gain or loss if he informs about his experiences.

*Even my wife does not know that I am Atma-Gyani. Whatever my true experiences, true incidents I have shared with you, I have not shared with my wife. Sometimes I have shared one or two experiences with her but she doesn't believe. Hence Atma-Gyani has to live as Agyani in his home. He has to live as ignorant due to his Prarabdha ie past-Karma!

*Wife of such person is not required to do Karwa Chauth fast etc for his long life since he becomes immortal by knowing his Atma ie himself!

*Maya is so strong, illusion is so strong one can't recognize an Atma-Gyani person.

Except a few people no one could recognize Lord Sri Krishna during his lifetime. Duryodhan and others used to call him Gwala. Even his fast friend Arjuna could not recognize Sri Krishna!

Arjuna could recognize Sri Krishna only after Sri Krishna had shown his Vishwa-Rupa ie Universal Form to him!

*Maya is so strong. Some time even Atma-Gyani person is confused by Maya that he knows himself, he knows God. This happens when he starts to live in improper way, when he starts to eat whatever available, when he starts to see whatever available, when he does not get Satsanga or good company.


9 DEC 2022

Ignorance has no beginning

*I ask something from you!

You don't know!

*I ask again!

Since when you don't know?

What will you reply?

*Its reason!

Ignorance has no beginning!

But ignorance has end!

*Once you know anything!

Your ignorance ends!

*And what is the real ignorance?

That is Avidya!

You don't know yourself!

That is illusion!

That is Maya!

*What is your ignorance?

You know yourself as body!

But you are not body!

Since when you don't know!

You don't know this!

Since ignorance has no start!

*Once you know yourself!

Then your ignorance ends!

Hence ignorance has end!

Ignorance is like dream!

*And this is called illusion!

This is called Maya!

This is called Prakriti!

This is called nature!

*Really self only exists!

Really Atma only exists!

Really Paramatma only exists!

Really Almighty only exists!

Who has no ignorance!


4 DEC 2022

How to remove Avidya?

*Why you don't know yourself?

What is the reason of bondage?

What is the reason of sorrows?

What is the reason of illusion?

What is the reason of Maya?

What is the reason of world?

*Why Almighty is not visible?

Why Atma or soul is not visible?

*Main reason of your sorrows!

Main reason of all problems!

That is you don't know yourself!

*Once you know yourself!

All problems will be solved!

*Reason of not knowing yourself!

That is Avidya!

Avidya has covered you!

That is called Maya!

That is called illusion!

*What is Avidya?

That is ignorance!

*When you receive Gyan!

When you get divine knowledge!

Your Avidya is removed!

*Avidya is removed by Vidya!

Ignorance is removed by knowledge!

And that is Divine Knowledge!

That is called Adhyatm!

*You are covered!

With infinite layers of ignorance!

One by one every layer is removed!

Hence it takes time!

*And at last!

You see the light of knowledge!

That is not ordinary knowledge!

That is Divine Knowledge!

Then every thing becomes!

Clearly visible!

You see in Divine Light!

*Hence try to remove ignorance!

By True Knowledge!

Remove every layer of ignorance!

And get the light of Knowledge!

*How to remove ignorance?

By Satsang!

By good company!

Who knows the truth!

By total surrender!

By humility and patience!

*Thus see every thing in light!

That is Divine Light!


31 OCT 2022

Body has no separate existence

*When I come out of Samadhi!

Body takes birth from me!

*I am Chinmay!

I am Atma!

I am Paramatma!

*Body has no separate existence!

Jad has no separate existence!

World has no separate existence!

*When I see my body!

I see the world from body!

*Body acts like a biscope!

I see through this biscope!

Thus I find the world!

*Thus I produce the body and world!

Like I produce the dream in me!

*But this dream!

Only when!

I go to sleep!

*When I wake up!

I find the dream missing!

Then nothing exists except me!

That is the state of Samadhi!

*I am always in eternal Samadhi!

But for body it breaks some time!

When it takes birth from me!

Then I start to see the dream!

*I am always with Jad!

When I see through Jad!

I see the Maya!

When I don't see through Jad!

I see only myself, only I am left!


22 SEP 2022

I am in eternal Samadhi

*I am seeing movie of world!

I am in eternal Samadhi!

*When I assume!

This world true!

I become subtle mind!

Then I start to act!

Through subtle mind!

*Then I assume myself!

As trapped in Maya or illusion!

*When I don't assume!

This world movie as true!

Then I remain as I am!

*But I am always!

In eternal Samadhi!


21 JULY 2022

@No end of knowledge

@For worldly knowledge!

No end!

For divine knowledge!

No end!

@Don't fight anyone!

For right or wrong!

For Worldly knowledge!

For showing your superiority!

@Since it will be of no use!

Even if you are master of worldly knowledge!

Since it in Maya!

Since it is just illusion!

@People report me!

He is wrong!

I am right!

I checked in Google!

@If worldly knowledge gives you immortality!

Use it and utilize your time!

If worldly knowledge increases your ego!

Then it will be painful for you!

Since it gives you pain of births and deaths!

@Don't fight for worldly knowledge!

For proving your superiority!

Strive for divine knowledge!

And make use of your birth!


20 JULY 2022

@See only inside, not outside

@If you want to know yourself!

If you want to know Almighty!

@See only inside!

Not outside!

@Main aim of your birth!

To know this fact!

You only exist, nothing else!

Self only exists, nothing else!

@If you see outside!

You cheat yourself!

You are trapped in Maya!

You are trapped in illusion!

@Your entire focus must be!

See only inside, not outside!

@Don't see others!

See only yourself!

@If you are seeing outside!

Your energy is scattered!

@Then you are trapped in the world!

Then you are trapped in this Maya!

@If you want to be wise!

See inside, not outside!

See yourself, not others!

@If you see inside!

You will know yourself!

If you see outside!

You will know the world!

@But aim of life!

To know yourself!

Not the world!

@If you know yourself!

Then you know the world!

@Then you fulfill aim of your birth!

Then you achieve aim of your life!


23 May 2022

Maya is too strong to win

*Even if you know Almighty!

Maya will play its role!

It will create illusions!

It will create many doubts!

*Many times!

Maya will try to create belief in you!

That Almighty doesn't exist!

Even after knowing Almighty!

*Maya will want!

That you must forget Almighty!

Maya will try that!

You must forget divine experience!

*Maya ie illusion of Almighty!

That is very very difficult to win!

Worldly attractions will attract you!

Many times you will want to surrender!

*Due to illusions of Maya!

Many times!

You will try to leave divine path!

Maya will try to weaken you!

*It is easier to know Almighty!

In comparison to!

Staying in Almighty for ever!

Staying in Brahm for ever!

*It is very difficult to remain!

Always in Almighty ie Brahm!

And that is the aim of life!

That is the purpose of your birth!

*Once you know Almighty!

You may fall down!

Even after knowing!

Due to illusions of Maya!

*And then again cycle of!

Birth and death possible!

If you are little careless!

If you are trapped by Maya!

*But if you are brave enough!

Then you can win the Maya!

For always, for ever!

Without any doubt!

*If you consider the world true!

If you are attracted to popularity!

If you are attracted to wealth etc!

Think it as play of Maya over you!

*Then you are trapped in Maya!

Then you are trapped in illusion!

*Then you are not liberated!

Even after knowing Almighty!

Then you are not immortal!

Even after knowing Almighty!

*But once you know that you are Atma!

But once you know, you are not body!

But once you know this world as dream!

Then you are surely liberated!

*Once you know, you are Ramu!

You don't need to repeat again n again!

Once you know, you are Atma!

You don't need to repeat again n again!

*Once you know, you are in Delhi!

You don't need to repeat the same!

Once you know this world as dream!

You don't need to repeat the same!

*Then you are liberated!

While living alive!

In this birth itself!

Just it is matter of time!


24 April 2022

Karma Theory

*You are Atma!

You are not body!

*Hence you can't work!

Body works due to your presence!

*Gunas themselves act!

Nature itself works!

*Body is nature!

You are beyond nature!

*But due to your ego!

Due to your attachment in body!

You consider that you work!

But you can't work!

*Body is acting itself!

Due to the Sanskars of all births!

*But that is also in Maya illusion!

Like you work in your dreams!

*You do not think!

Mind itself thinks due to you!

*Hence you have to be actionless!

You have to be thoughtless!

To know your original state!

Which is without action, thought!

*But it is not possible!

Since you always work!

Except in deep sleep!

Except in Samadhi!

*Hence Krishna told best way in Gita!

That is sameness in all situations!

Do your Karma selflessly!

Without want of the results!

*You have right to do Karma!

But never in the results!

*Remain same in all the opposites!

Thus remain beyond duality!

*And the most important!

Work done by body is not work!

Work done by mind is true work!

Be same by body and mind!

*It is possible by Abhyas, practice!

It is possible by Vairgya, detachment!

*This is the beautiful theory!

Revealed by beloved Krishna!

*Jai Sri Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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22 April 2022

Senses, Subtle Mind, Intellect

*Senses are my My Maya!

Subtle mind is My Maya!

Intellect is my Maya!

They are just illusion!

*Actually they do not exist!

Only I exist and nothing else!

*They have been created!

To show the world movie!

To play with you!

To cheat you!

*I have infinite senses!

I have infinite subtle mind!

I have infinite intellect!

These are my tools!

*But I have restricted them!

Within the limits!

To show you world movie!

Thus I myself became limited!

*When I am limited!

I am Maya, illusion!

When I am unlimited!

I am Paramatma!

*But in fact nothing exists!

Except Myself!

*Really all this is my dream!

When I sleep, I see this dream!

When I wake up, no dream!

Then nothing exists except Me!

*This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!


30 March 2022

How to win the intellect?

*In divine journey, most difficult task is how to win the intellect.

If you win the intellect, you win the Maya ie illusion. Then you win the world!

*Intellect has 3 levels- Tamo Guna, Rajo Guna and Sato Guna. Tamo Guna of lowest level. Sato

Guna of highest level. This is applicable to only those people whose intellect has reached up to

Sato Guna. Now they are required to win the intellect.

*How to win the intellect?

Some times you may be required to do something wrong in the family or office.

Your intellect says that you must do the right thing. But you will be required to do wrong thing.

And if you can do it, then you win the intellect.

*You may ask the question. Why we should do wrong thing even after knowing?

You must know. Your knowing is limited up to only your this birth. But Almighty knows your all

the births. Today what you think wrong with reference to only this birth.

But that may be right with respect to your previous births.

Almighty has to take into consideration your all the births.

*In such cases it is better to leave the decision on Almighty. Since He only makes you dance

based on the Karma of all your births.

*If your boss is doing any thing wrong, let him do.

If your spouse doing anything wrong, let him / her do.

If your children are doing something wrong, let them do.

If your parents are doing something wrong, let them do.

Since Almighty is making them dance as per their Karma of previous births.

*You should not be trapped in all these things!

But, this should not be always. It may be sometimes!

If you have done this, you can win your intellect.

*While doing so, always remember that Almighty is making them dance!

Who are you in front of Almighty?

What do you know in front of Almighty?

What is your capability in front of Almighty?

*You must know that Almighty is beyond right and wrong. He is beyond true and false.

*Right, wrong and true, false are only in Maya, illusion and duality.

But Almighty is beyond Maya, illusion and duality.


5 Mar 2021

How is this Maya?

This world is Maya!

Your body is Maya!

Maya means illusion!

How is this Maya?

It is like cricket tournament!

Suppose there is cricket match!

Let us say like IPL!

In which your favorite team not playing!

Hence you are neutral!

But you are seeing a Match!

Now you start to assume one team!

As your favorite team!

And it is winning!

Hence you start to enjoy!

But after some time!

This team starts to loose!

Then you become upset and sad!

You start to assume its defeat!

As your defeat!

Same is the nature of Maya!

World is not yours!

Body is not yours!

You are neutral of these!

But you start to assume them as yours!

Thus joy and sorrow of body becomes!

As your joy and sorrow!

You and body

You and your body!

Entirely different!

You are Atma!

Body is Maya!

For you no worship required!

For body worship required!

You don't do any work!

Body does every work!

With your presence!

You are independent of body!

Let body do any work!

Body eats the food!

You don't eat the food!

Body goes here and there!

You don't go here and there!

Body or world one thing!

You or Almighty other thing!

World is imagination of mind!

When you see by mind!

Mind is imagination of you!

All Gods when you see from mind!

All people when you see from mind!

You are pure consciousness!

Mind is nothing but your assumption!

And that assumption is wrong!

Body and world in parallel world!

You and Almighty in parallel of it!

You and Almighty screen of movie!

Body and world are the movie!

They are entirety different than you!

You have assumed the body yours!

Thus you have created the mind!

By assuming the body yours!

Thus you have created the ego!

You are nothing to do with body!

You are entirely different than body!

Since you are pure Atma!

Don't assume the body as yours!

Since it creates the mind and ego!

And thus it creates fear of death!

But you can never die!

Since you are Atma!


5 Jan 2021

Your body does not exist

Your body does not exist!

It seems to be visible!

That is the reason!

It is called Maya!

Maya is a thing!

Which seems to be visible!

But actually does not exist!

Maya means illusion!

You are seeing your body!

Hence you exist, not the body!

Thing which exists!

It will always exist!

Thing which doesn't exist!

It will never exist!

Like water in the desert!

It seems to be available!

From far distance!

But we reach there!

We find no water!

Like sky seems to be blue!

But really it is not blue!

Like rainbow seems to exist!

But it disappears in a moment!

Same is the case with body!

It seems to exist!

But actually!

It doesn't exist!


16 Dec 2020

Tell me

Tell me!

Reply me!

Is sky blue?

Does shadow exist?

Does rainbow exist?

Reflection in mirror exists?

Reply is -

Sky is not blue!

It seems to be blue!

Shadow does not exist!

It seems to exist!

Rainbow does not exist!

It seems to exist!

Reflection does not exist!

It seems to exist!

Similarly -

Your body does not exist!

It seems to exist!

This world does not exist!

It seems to exist!

Since -

Your body is Maya!

Just illusion!

This world is Maya!

Just illusion!


24 Nov 2020

We are trapped

We are trapped in Maya!

We are cheated by illusion!

If we fight with any one!

If we do arguments with another!

We become puppet!

If we abuse any one!

If we are affected!

By abuse of any one!

People act as mad!

People behave as drunk!

Don't be mad with mad!

Don't be drunken with drunk!

Since if we become offended!

We don't see Almighty in them!

Then we are weak with the weak!

Then we fail in the test by Almighty!


13 Nov 2020

Maya is beyond logic

Maya can not be right or wrong!

Since it is beyond wisdom!

Even if any thing is right!

And it should be in the world!

It may not be in the world!

Since Maya is required!

Maya means illusion!

Some illusion required in the world!

Some things required in the world!

To make your life uncomfortable!

You should never feel fully comfortable!

Else you will forget Almighty!

Many things which are right!

They should be here in the world!

We give suggestions to the government!

But they will not be implemented!

Since every one has self interest!

If Maya is not there!

You will be in kingdom of Almighty!

If self interest is not there!

You will be in the regime of God!

If false is not there!

You will be in the regime of Almighty!

Maya is to make you dance!

Hence every thing can not be in order!

Some disorder is also required!

Some things are required!

Beyond your logic!

What will you do in the world?

If Almighty will not make you dance!

How will you pass your time?

Here in planet earth!

Hence your every work should not be easy!

Some difficulties are required in life!

To prolong your problems!

To delay your work!

So that you can pass your time here!


10 Nov 2020

You are not such fool

If you have diamonds showroom!

If very beautiful, attractive lady!

She comes to your shop!

You will not give the diamond to her!

Free of cost!

You are not such fool!

No one is such fool!

Your divine experience!

It is more precious than diamonds!

Maya bahut Thagini!

Means attractions of this world!

They are very cheater!

They are just illusion!

You should not be cheated by them!


Bad Thoughts-

Sometimes friends ask me that they have bad thoughts. What is the solution?

If you do bad Karma, then your body will get punishment.

But if you have bad thoughts, then your mind needs to be punished.

Hence for this Titiksha is required. Titiksha means your power to withstand the sorrows or your insult. It purifies your mind and thoughts.

For this Almighty has made arrangements. Some will abuse you. Some one will insult you. So that you can develop this rare quality of Titiksha.

Hence thank to one who insults you. Since it will increase your Titiksha. It will purify your thoughts. It will purify your mind. Ultimately it will purify you.

Your purification is very very necessary so that you can knock the doors of Almighty.

Impure mind can not break the Maya or Illusion. Without breaking Maya, you can not knock the doors of Almighty.


Prakriti is only Maya-

Prakriti is Maya of Mayapati!

Mayapati is Almighty!

Maya is just illusion!

Really it doesn't exist!

Prakriti is in ignorance!

Once ignorance is removed!

Nature of Prakriti is known!

Only Purush exists!

Prakriti exists till ignorance!

Really Prakriti doesn't exist!

It is like sky seems to be blue!

But really it is not blue!

It is due to ignorance!

Once you know the reality!

You are not confused!

Purush is the cause of Prakriti!

Purush is the cause of ignorance!

Purush is the cause of Maya, illusion!

Purush, only one Almighty exists!


I become happy when I see you

I become happy when I see you!

Since you are my part!

I am your part!

Yes, an integral part!

If I don't become happy!

Then I am in Maya, illusion!

Then I consider you mere body!

I consider myself merely body!

And the same holds good for you!

And the same holds good for all!

Always remember this knowledge!

Always remember this truth!

? ? ?

Three Categories of Rich People-

Someone asked!

Beautiful question!

Who is rich?

There are!

Three categories of rich people!

First who have bank balance!

Of names of Almighty and virtues!

And no money or wealth!

They come in first class and richest!

Since they are not entangled!

They are not deceived by Maya!

Or Illusion of the world!

Hence they come in first category!

Second who have bank balance!

Of names of Almighty and virtues!

And some money or wealth!

They come in second class and richer!

Since they are entangled in Maya!

They are somewhat deceived by Maya!

Or Illusion of the world!

Hence they come in second category!

Third who have no bank balance!

Of names of Almighty and virtues!

They have only money and wealth!

They are actually poor in true sense!

Since they are fully entangled in Maya!

They are fully deceived by Maya!

Or Illusion of the world!

Hence they come in third category!

It is the ignorance!

You consider money!

As real wealth!

You can't take it after your death!

Only name of Almighty and virtues!

They are real wealth on this earth!

Since you can take them only!

After your death!

But those are really fortunate!

Who know this universe!

As dream or drama!

Since they are above all illusions!

? ? ?


Almighty is beyond Dwait or Adwait

Dwait and Adwait!

Both are in Maya!

Both are illusion!

Both don't exist!

Till you have body!

Till you feel your body!

You will see Dwait!

There will be Dwait!

Till you are alive!

You will have to act in Dwait!

When you are in this world!

There is Dwait!

When you are in that world!

There is Adwait!

But Almighty is beyond!

Dwait or Adwait!

Since He is not In Maya!

Since He is not in ignorance!

Dwait and Adwait are in ignorance!

And not in reality who is Almighty!


Why sorrows are required?

Sorrows are required to increase your Titiksha.

Titiksha is your power to withstand adversities or sorrows.

Why it is necessary to increase?

If you don't increase it, mind will continue its play.

If you don't increase it, you will not be able to understand this play of mind.

Hence you will not be able to understand Maya which is unreal or Illusion.

Hence it is very very necessary to face the sorrows.

Sorrows increase your capacity to understand the truth or reality.

If you read the scriptures during your sorrows, you will understand and follow them more seriously!

You do everything wholeheartedly during the sorrows.

You remember Almighty whole heartedly during the sorrows.

In worldly joy, you forget Almighty, you increase your ego, you become more proud.

You feel that no one is equal to you.

But when you see some person more happy than you, then you become unhappy and you try to become the same.

If you get illness or problems, then you know the reality that you were wrongly thinking yourself as happy. It was your wrong impression that no one is equal to you.

During sorrows, you know the reality of life, who is yours, who is not yours!

Then you come to know that only Almighty is yours and no one is yours!

Hence sorrows are very much required to teach the lesson of life!



You should not have!

Any Sanskar!

Good or bad!

In your mind!

Since both binds us!

In this Maya, illusion!

Leave all the Sankar!

Don't have any Sanskar!

You can not leave the thoughts!

Do not be owner of the thoughts!

Let them pass as river Ganges!

Be the witness of the thoughts!


What is Maya?

Maya is a thing which really doesn't exist but it seems to exist!

Like in desert if you are driving and you are in search of water. From far distance you see that

water is available at some place. But when you reach there, you find that water is not available.

It was just like mirage.

Your body is Maya, this world is Maya!

This world is decaying every moment.

Your body is decaying every moment.

This world is finished every moment.

But you may not know!

Maya is based on some base. And that base is Almighty.


What is Nature?

Nature is grass!

Your body!

All animals, birds!

Fish, crocodiles!

All plants, trees!

Forests, hills, rivers!

Deserts, oceans!

Sun, Moon, stars, etc!

Whatever you see!

Whatever you can perceive!

That is nature!

Earth, sky, air, fire, water!

Senses, subtle mind, intellect!

They are called Prakriti!

Everything is nature!

Except one Purush!

Nature may be visible or invisible!

But Purush is always invisible!

Nature is mortal!

Purush is immortal!

Nature is alive!

Only due to Purush!

Nature works automatically!

Due to the presence of Purush!

Nature seems to exist!

But really it doesn't exist!

Hence it is called Maya!

Maya of the Purush!

Which is just illusion!

Purush is Almighty!

Entire universe exists!

Only due to this reason!

Only due to the presence!

Of Prakriti and Purush!


I am smaller than the Corona

I am smaller than the Corona virus!

I am bigger than the entire universe!

Nothing is smaller than me!

Nothing is bigger than me!

I give life to smaller than the smallest!

Which you can perceive!

I give life to bigger than the biggest!

Which you can perceive!

In between smallest n biggest!

There are infinite Jeeva!

I give life to all of them!

Nothing can exist without me!

But really, whatever you see!

Whatever you can perceive!

All of them don't exist!

All of them are in Me!

All of them are in my Maya!

And Maya is just illusion!

I only exist!

And nothing else!

This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!

What is illusion? What is Maya?

What is illusion?

What is Maya?

Except yourself!

Everything is Maya!

Everything is illusion!

Every thing does not exist!

Your intellect is illusion!

Your subtle mind is illusion!

Your senses are illusion!

Your body is illusion!

Sky is illusion!

Sun is illusion!

Moon is illusion!

Stars are illusion!

Ocean is illusion!

Forests are illusion!

Mountains are illusion!

Deserts are illusion!

Fire is illusion!

Earth is illusion!

Water is illusion!

Air is illusion!

All will be vanished one day!

Except yourself!

Except love!

Except Almighty!

What are the things which are Maya?


Subtle mind

Visible mind



All visible things

All invisible things

Maya means that it appears to exist but actually it does not exist!

What is Maya?

Maya is a thing which really doesn't exist but it seems to exist!

Like in desert if you are driving and you are in search of water. From far distance you see that water is available at some place. But when you reach there, you find that water is not available.

It was just like mirage.

Your body is Maya, this world is Maya!

This world is decaying every moment.

Your body is decaying every moment.

This world is finished every moment.

But you may not know!

Maya is based on some base. And that base is Almighty.

Navaratri is a celebration of victory of Goddess Durga over demon Mahishasura.

Goddess Durga is symbol of Shakti ie Power!

Maya is Shakti of Maya-Pati ie Almighty!

The end of Navaratri marks Dussehra which is celebrated to celebrate the victory of Lord Rama over demon Ravan.

Thus both the festivals mark the victory of good over evil.

Navaratri are nine nights of peace, joy, bliss and rejuvenation to enhance your divine energy to open the door of divinity in you!

We must utilize these precious days in the best possible manner for this purpose.

Wishing you all the best!

Wishing you Happy Navratri!

? ? ?

Sar ke niche se hi yah sab Maya dikhai de rahi hai

Sar ke upar kewal ek mai hi hun

? ? ?

What is divine marriage?

Divine marriage is union of Jeevatma with Paramatma. Though Jeevatma is an integral part of Paramatma but it is lost in the crowd of Maya ie illusion... Jeevatma is not different than Paramatma. It is like a drop of ocean and ocean. Both have no different qualities. All qualities are same... But when it mixes with ocean, it becomes ocean. After that you can not remove that drop from the ocean!

Same is the case with Jeevatma... Paramatma is the ocean, Jeevatma is a drop of ocean... The moment Jeevatma is mixed in Paramatma, it becomes Paramatma... The moment it knows itself as a part of Paramatma and realizes that it has missed Paramatma since long... Since thousands of births since it was lost in the crowd of Maya.

Thus a divine marriage of Jeevatma ie union of Jeevatma with Paramatma takes place for ever... And thus lover gets the loved one and mixes with him for ever!

Reply of Question No 2


Answer - The part of Atma which is in Maya ie illusion is called Jeevatma.

Example :

Suppose some pitchers filled with water are kept open under the sky. You may treat the sky as Atma and the reflection of the sky in the pitcher as Jeevatma.

This is in short. In detail you may refer Gita.

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About the Author

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

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27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-


Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost all of my posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost all of my posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal

? ? ?

Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-


You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-


What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-


Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-


Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-


My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-


Secrets of Nature By Pravin Agrawal-


Whomsoever I see that is myself-


Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-


Scenes do not exist even now-


Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal-


? ? ?


Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-


Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-


More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-


List 2 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-


? ? ?

Pravin Agrawal ????

?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!

11 个月


Ramana N

(Immediate joiner) Senior Data Engineer (AWS|AZURE|GCP) at Accenture

11 个月

Jai Radha Krishna ??????



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