What May Be the Easiest Way to Stand Out from AI Bloggers?
I had an interesting discussion with friends recently.
Each non-blogger spoke about how the younger generation routinely turns to AI to attempt to do all of the writing work for them.
One friend mentioned how AI seems helpful as an aid, not a crutch.
We all agreed that using the human mind appears to be critical to create an alert, awake mental state necessary to not only worldly success but a free, peaceful human experience.
Standing out from bloggers hellbent on vomiting a ridiculous volume of lifeless, thoughtless, AI generated content through their blogs gives you a clear edge in this world of wary readers. Who knows if a genuine human publishes a blog post or if a charlatan shoveling AI horse poopy simply wants to overwhelm their niche with artificial content spun by a thing that pieces together words from the web.
I want to share an easy way to not only distance yourself from the AI herd but to also gain trust fast to leave the AI blogging crowd in the dust.
I recently spent one minute recording a selfie video emphasizing:
I am Ryan Biddulph.
I write every word on Blogging From Paradise.
Look at this human being.
Love him or not, at the very least, old RB is the wizard behind the curtain, the ghost behind the machine, the genuine person who:
Intuitively, my gut told me to create rough and ready, authentic, humanized content through my:
throughout my blogging career.
Anybody with half a noodle understands that a person, not AI, generates blog posts on Blogging From Paradise from my less polished approach.
This was always intentional but really put my blog into overdrive over the past few years as waves of AI bloggers came out in full force.
Keeping MY writing style intact distanced me from the blogging bots but routinely broadcasting live, publishing shorts and reels, and publishing longer form videos further enhanced my humanized, AI-free, credible blogging brand.
Even if you disagree with my blogging approach at least you know a real person formulated this strategy from intimately personal experience. In this day and age, that counts for a lot, because some of the blogging guidance you see online seems spawned by a glorified bot repackaging published content.
Add Selfie Videos to Your Blogging Strategy
Prove your humanity in the easiest way possible.
Embed selfie videos to your blog.
Record and publish selfie videos to:
Feel free to publish shorts, reels or long form video content. But make sure to record yourself - or broadcast live - speaking into a camera lens.
I'm telling you guys, more and more readers feel relieved when a blogger proves their humanity in vivid fashion. People who see people speaking, teaching and guiding form a bond far deeper than even the human connection we reference as bloggers. Digging deeper into the unconscious, when you appear to see another chatting into the camera you kinda know that you're them, or, one with them.
When you begin to understand that there is only one of us in reality you feel less tempted to use artificial intelligence extensively for taking big shortcuts (which lead to nowhere), for deceiving your readers and for ultimately irreparably damaging your blogging reputation.
Recording and publishing selfie videos may feel uncomfortable at first because self-conscious fears arise in the mind. But unless you have become a staunch recluse, your head probably communicates with other human beings on a daily basis. Think of selfie videos in this vein to get over egoic self conscious fears related to AI-proofing your blog with this approach.
Take the Easier Way
Rarely do I use the word "easy" on Blogging From Paradise but smiling at a camera lens and speaking for even 10 to 15 seconds is a pretty darn easy way to humanize your blog and to earn the type of instant credibility that AI bloggers can never achieve.
Linking to or embedding selfie videos is the easier way to gain trust and succeed versus idiotic AI schemes built on the illusion of publishing tsunamis of bland, 3rd person blog posts on a daily basis.
Most AI bloggers, in their delusion, greed and desperation, never ask themselves:
Rather than engaging in temporary schemes that blow up in your blogging face just do things the successful way:
The question remains.....
Can't You Use AI to Generate All Blog Posts and Publish a Selfie Video to? Window Dress Your Blog?
Yes you can.
But trying to deceive your readers will backfire because the human chatting will instantly deviate from the AI generated blog posts.
In essence, you'll be the dingbat who outs yourself by proving the smiling, talking head could never have been the author of the drab, AI-generated blog posts.
Almost no one thinks on planet earth because people typically would rather die than think.
I however think deeply, carefully and mindfully.
Blogging From Paradise is impossible to replicate not because I'm special but because the perfect, all-knowing intuition leads you on a path that no one else can follow or even touch.
Capitalize on this selfie video tip guys because so few bloggers use this simple approach to AI-proofing their blogs.
Why not gain reader trust in a world of more jaundiced individuals suspicious of this absurd AI movement obsessed with getting something for nothing?
Video Frequency
No hard and fast rule exists for selfie video frequency as far as stepping away from the AI blogger herd.
Publish one selfie video weekly across social media if that seems do-able.
Aim for shipping one video every 2 weeks if the prior suggestion seems too ambitious.
If you really want to convince readers that your blog spits out human-generated content compliments of you just publish selfie style videos daily or every few days to put things into overdrive.
Video Length
Make 'em short and sweet.
Frame each video as a brief reminder that a human writes the words on your blog.
I totally get how most bloggers feel uncomfortable to chat for 5, 10 or 30 minutes about some in-demand niche topic.
No need to exude charisma as a long form video, blogging talking head if such a strategy catapults you outside of your comfort zone.
AI-proof your blog.