What Matters?
Richard A. Moran
Venture partner, author, speaker, advisor, radio personality. Lending perspective, prescriptions and personality to the workplace.
Sometimes the newest person in the organization can ask the most important questions. Often, the new people are the ones that ask the questions others are afraid to ask like, “Why are there so many meetings?” Or, “Why does the CEO keep talking about things we don’t care about?” I am reminded of that fact by a follower who tracked me down with the one relevant question everyone should ask all the time. Although not sure if the writer is a man or a woman, he/she writes in…
Dear Mr. Moran,
I am starting a new job at tech company this week. It will be my first “real job” unless you count working as a clerk at the bookstore when there were bookstores. The on-boarding program has been fine and I sort of get what I am supposed to do but there is one question that remains open so please tell me, “What Matters?”
Work Newbie
Dear Newbie,
I like short and thoughtful questions so I’ll give you a short and thoughtful answer. Everything matters! Yep, sorry but it’s true. When it comes to enjoying your work and achieving some success, everything really does matter. A few examples might help:
Being prepared matters.
Getting results matters.
Working with the team matters.
Understanding both strategy and execution matters.
Everyday performance matters.
Response time matters.
Knowing how and when to listen matters.
How you look on a zoom call matters.
Communication skills matter.
Showing up on time matters.
Attitude matters.
Keeping track of your own performance matters.
Social media output matters.
Taking on difficult tasks matters.
Always telling the truth matters.
Math skills matter.
Building a network matters.
Proper behavior matters.
And finally, knowing how to use the mute button matters.
How is that for a list to start Newbie? In short, everything matters every day. But don’t stress out or be overwhelmed. Treat this first job like your orientation into the world where everything really does matter and learn from it. Good luck, have fun and don’t forget what matters.