What Matters to the Poultry Production with Lighting?
Shenzhen AMB Technology Co., Ltd.
Animal Welfare, Lighting Matters, We Care
What Matters to the Poultry Production with Lighting?
Lighting is one of the most important factors to the poultry production. An optimal light climate can significantly improve poultry welfare. There are 5 key aspects that need to be considered when it comes to the effect of the light on the poultry growth.
▎▍ Light Spectrum?
Chicken Vision
Chicken's Eyes are different from the human's. The?chicken is a four-cone animal that can see ultraviolet?rays, red light,Blue light and green light, while the?human eye can only see the spectrum of red, blue?and green colors, chicken can see more visible light.?Chicken growth is affected by duration, intensity and?spectrum of light. Lighting plays a very important role?in meat and egg production, and their quality.
●?Blue Color
helps growth of chicken at a later age by elevating?plasma androgens, keeps birds calm, decreases?movement when catching the chicken, make it not?frightened to improve the quality of chicken meat
●?Red Color
increase food intake and weight, reduce pecking,?activate movement, stimulate sexual maturity,?improve egg production
●?Green Color?
increases growth rate at an early age by enhancing?proliferation of skeletal muscle satellite cells.
▎▍?Light Distribution?
An optimal light distribution is crucial for poultry?production and animal welfare. Bad light distribution?may cause a poor spread of broilers that possibly?causes clustering. The clustering will increase?competition for food and water, lead to a bad bird?heat distribution, which will raise heating costs.?Good light distribution will decrease mortality,?increase animal welfare and uniform growth.
▎▍?Photoperiod & Light Intensity?
Each type of poultry requires different photoperiod(duration of light) and light intensity(amount of light).?The photoperiod and light intensity have to be?adjusted according to the type of poultry. Right?duration and amount of light will have a?positive effect on poultry production.
It is vital to use 100% flicker-free lighting in poultry?barn. Flicker is the major source of stress for?poultry, which will cause bad appetite and poor?growth, reduce laying rate, increase mortality rate.?
The lighting for poultry must be evenly dimmable?to simulate the sunrise and sunset. If the lights are?suddenly switched on/off, the poultry will be scared.
If you want the best lighting for your poultry farm, then contact us now.
[email protected] or 008615915875338 (WhatsApp), www.szamb.com