What is Marketting ? How Peoples are getting Trapped ?

Marketing: An Impressive way of being trapped...

The story of Hell and Heaven..impressive explanation of Marketing.

A person in it's Final Minutes and he is in a place to select HELL OR HEAVEN.Man entered the second world and finds an angel outside in between the two Hell & Heaven entrance.

Man got dejected and don't know which gate he wishes to pass through. Then he enquired about two gates to the angel, the angel gave a brief explanation about both entrance and gave an option that there where two small windows by using that window you can take a look and decide which door you need to proceed and will make your wish done and the same agreed by a man.

First, he went to the heaven window and had a look, he seems people are not talkative, found so silent etc man took a second and had a think about his life which remembered the same scenario of life that he had on earth. 

Then he went to the angel & angel asked are you ok with it can I open this door, man interrupted and said before making a conclusion I wish to look at hell windows for sometimes angel granted the permission.The man stepped and had look on hell window got shocked that girls, where dancing, drinks were overflowing his eyes can't visualize everything in a stipulated period of time.In a joy he came to angel and without having a word , asked angel to open hell door 

Angel: ok before taking it think once if you got into it you get trapped and you cant come out of it, in a sensational feeling he ordered angel to open the hell door and angel did the same.

After entered into hell everything changed in opposite manner, girls stabbing men's with hooks, other side people are getting fried in a pan etc Man shouted and complained angel about the changes, with a freaky smile angel replied that this is Marketing man and I will get two times of payment when I sent people to hell....

Marketing is heaven for marketers and hell for buyers by who made the decision from its outside view... Think Before You Leap



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