What if? Marketing & Sales !!
Every salesperson and marketing agent in your company thinks they know who your target client is and if they are ready to buy, but do they have any proof of this or are they just going by gut instinct? How long would it take to know for sure what interests your top clients have or when someone is ready to make a purchase? I could imagine the surveys now and as we business owners know our clients "LOVE" surveys :) Every time I ask a client to take a survey they get super excited and try to kiss me. If you can't tell I'm being sarcastic. Even if you have a full-time team dedicated to analyzing all the data available and they are well funded to find this information odds are they are still wrong and just guessing and by the time they offer this information is most likely outdated and your hot leads are gone!!! :(
Let's imagine for a second putting the power of AI to use in Marketing and Sales. Have a computer go through our current leads searches, likes on Facebook, interests, buying patterns and habits to let a salesperson know which leads are the best to follow up on and are ready to buy "right now" and which leads are a waste of their time. From the marketing angle, you could have this AI run through your top clients and let you know exactly what they are interested in and where to find more just like them.
I know, AI is expensive and you don't know how to get it even if you wanted it. How would you even talk to AI? This is beyond my knowledge as well. I wish there was some easy way to put this powerful tool to use. You know I'm leading you into something right? I'll stop messing around and get to the point you all have busy days to get back too and Families and life and such. I would like to introduce Einstein. It's an AI used by Salesforce and guess what!!!? The company that just named me their Director of Sales can actually put Einstien to work for you.
No Way!!! I can hear you now ;) You are all ready to line up at my office door and place your orders, but as we know nothing in life is that easy. We are only looking for very specific companies to work with. Sorry, little guys but this powerful, efficient program comes with a price tag of $6,000 a month plus Salesforce fees.
Actually, when you think about it that isn't that much. Consider this for a minute. $6000 a month is the same price as an employee that makes $53,000 a year or about $25 per hour. I know if you had an opportunity to hire an employee that could do these wonderful, amazing, profitable and time-saving things you would easily pay them $53,000 per year if not more!!! and that's not all Salesforce does for you. It's just an added benefit. Now that I think about it you should really stop reading this garbage of an article and send an email to [email protected] and set up an appointment to get this process started.
Lastly, we haven't forgotten about current Salesforce users. Whether you have a Salesforce department or not we can help you too. We work amazingly well with your current Salesforce team. Just give us a name like Bob and place a dummy next to a phone and computer and use that phone and computer to contact us to help with any administrative or developmental needs you have. You'll find Bob is the best employee you ever hired and guess what? he doesn't need health insurance or any benefits and he has more than one brain!!! His bandwidth will astonish you. If you don't have a Salesforce department, Bob can handle that too. Let's meet up for coffee and talk some more or just call me at 385-216-5736 and we'll get Bob in your office as soon as possible.
Now go forth you masters of industries. You creative geniuses. Go forth into the world and make your dreams come true.