4 Lessons a Marine Sniper Can Teach You About Goal-Setting and Relaxation in The Midst of Stressful Situations (Part 2 of 2)

4 Lessons a Marine Sniper Can Teach You About Goal-Setting and Relaxation in The Midst of Stressful Situations (Part 2 of 2)

Yesterday, we covered the first two lessons that a Marine Sniper could teach you about goal-setting and relaxation in the midst of stressful situations. If you haven't read the first article in this two-part series, I highly recommend you do that right now before reading any further.

Ok... I am writing now under the assumption that you have read the first article all the way to the end and are now ready for the next two lessons. Let's get right to it...

Line Up Your Sites and Focus on Your Target

Now, once you have done everything that we have talked about thus far, the next lesson a Marine Sniper will give you is all about alignment and focus.

I'm sure you have heard about setting unrealistic targets. For instance, when it comes to “New Year’s Resolutions,” someone might go ahead and set a New Year’s Resolution to workout seven days a week but have never worked out ONE day in the past year. That would be considered an unrealistic target.

When it comes to being a Marine Sniper, there are some unrealistic shots. Moreover, some shots need to be planned out before ever attempting to pull the trigger.

For example, consider the first episode of the TV series Shooter (AFF). That show (as well as the movie) starts out with some government official coming to Bob Lee Swagger (a retired Marine Sniper) to enlist his help in determining how a sniper would plan to assassinate the president during a press conference. This is because they've received some intel that someone was planning to do so, which we know is bogus, and we all know that they are trying to set Bob Lee up. But, of course, Bob Lee doesn’t realize that until it's too late.?

Well, as you can see from this first episode, Bob Lee goes through great length to show all the steps to planning such a shot and mapping out where the best place to make such a shot would be (taking into account the wind and weather), and not forgetting to determine the type of rifle being used and the size and weight of the bullet (refer back to the first article in this series).

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When it comes to being a military sniper, and being assigned to take out a high-profile target, such as Osama Bin Laden, a lot of planning is required in order to make such a shot.

Now, we all know that Seal Team 6 was the team that was assigned to take out Osama, and we know that they did it under the cover of night through the seizing of his compound. Therefore, it wasn’t a sniper shot that took out Osama, but all the planning and training that was required to fulfill the mission is what I am trying to get across here.

Staying in this same frame of mind, let’s say you’re a self-published author and you're trying to get the attention, and ultimately be able to sign a book deal with a major traditional book publishing company.

Well, that would be considered a “high profile” target. This means achieving such a target as this would require some detailed planning before even attempting to “pull the trigger”.

In business, you have to set your targets and map out your plan of attack. Now, this is a good time to talk about focus. You see, what you have to understand is that there is no such thing as multitasking.

You see, scientists have proven that the idea of multitasking is really nothing more than a myth and a scientifically impossible phenomenon.

Psychologists have even proven that it is literally impossible for the human mind to be able to completely focus on more than one thought at a time.

Don’t Forget About Your Breathing

Now that brings me to the final lesson in our series. This is where we talk about relaxation in the midst of stressful situations. Look, it doesn’t matter if you've done everything that we have talked about thus far.

It doesn’t matter if you've taken account of the wind – the Wind Factor. It doesn’t matter if you've determined the weight and size of your bullet. And it doesn’t matter if you've identified your target and taken the time to map out your plan of attack. None of that matters if you forget about your breathing.

You see, when it comes to taking a shot and being able to hit your target dead on, nothing is more important than being able to control your breathing. Look, if you're not loose with your grip, and not able to drown out all the noise that is going on around you… in other words, if you are not able to give complete attention and concentration (focus) on your target... and you begin to get stiff and distracted by everything else that is going on around you, you will never be able to hit your target. It's as simple as that.

That is why a Marine Sniper has a spotter. You see, a sniper has to have complete trust in his/her spotter. It is the spotter that has the sniper's back. In other words, because the sniper is able to have complete trust in his spotter, he then is able to give complete attention to the target, as well as be able to relax and control his breathing.

He knows that he doesn't have to worry about the gunfire going on around him because he has a spotter that is keeping a watch out for him.

There's nothing like having a partner

Now, how does that apply to you being a business owner, or entrepreneur, or what have you? Well, for one, going into business by yourself is no fun. You see, everyone needs a partner. Everyone needs someone that he or she can trust. They need someone that will support them in the goals (shots) that they are trying to achieve. Plus, it's easy to relax when you know you have someone that is covering your "six."

Look, it's impossible to make any kind of shot or achieve any kind of goal if you aren't relaxed – if you haven’t controlled your breathing. And losing focus and getting distracted by the “noise” that is going on around you (that “noise” could even be self-inflicted, such as thoughts of failure or disbelief in yourself and your abilities).

Think of the conscious and subconscious parts of your personality working in this way: Consider mathematics and try to add negatives and positives. Don’t you find it interesting that a negative will always equal a negative and a positive will always equal a positive? But when trying to work with a negative and positive, the sum you get will always end in a negative – there is nothing you can do about it. That's math.

Well, your mind works the same way. You see, if you set a positive goal for yourself but maintain negative thoughts about you being able to achieve that goal, the end result that you will always get is a failure. You’ll never be able to achieve your goal if deep down you don’t think and believe that you can. It was Napoleon Hill who said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the body can achieve.”

Let me put you like this: Whatever your mind can think up (positive), and your heart can accept and believe (positive), your body will achieve it every time. However, if your mind can think it up but your heart can’t accept it or believe it, your body will always choose the side of your heart. In other words, if your mind says yes but your heart says no, your body will always side with the heart.

Don’t give your body contradictory messages. Control your breathing – relax and know that you are able to achieve whatever you set your mind to (whatever you focus on).

That concludes the four lessons that a Marine Sniper can teach you about goal-setting and relaxation in the midst of stressful situations.

Now, if you liked this series, and got value out of this, I would just ask that share your thoughts in the comments below, and don't forget to pass this on to anyone you think might benefit from it.

To learn more about business, growth, and leadership connect with me on?LinkedIn.

Until next time,

Be Great, Nothing Else Pays!


William Ballard, MBA的更多文章

