What is a Man's Retreat All About?
What you need to know about mens retreats

What is a Man's Retreat All About?

What is a Man's Retreat All About?

Written by Michael Allen Founder of Dragon Retreats.

There is a lot of confusion about what is a man's retreat all about. In this article I promise to give you a clear understanding of what happens at a male retreat.

Of course I do run a man's retreat myself with Dragon Retreats in Coastal Pembrokeshire West Wales. But my premise is to answer the question as neutrally as possible for your benefit.

So. What is a Man's Retreat all about?

Men's Retreats in 2022

The man's retreat has always been with mankind. Back in our earliest years men often went off in groups, sometimes as a right of passage, but normally to provide food or engage enemies of the two footed and four footed variety. In more recent times this was off to work in mines or factories or sadly off to war. Now there would be something wrong with you to describe fighting in a trench, or scraping coal in a 3 feet high space as a retreat. But men at this time enjoyed comradeship, banter and a clear understanding of male responsibilities. In 2022 many of us no longer have clarity on this and as a result have a clouded view of life's purpose.

The global pandemic and rise of homeworking has further removed men (and women) from their work colleagues and friends, who formed an important support group for many. Isolation is a growing issue for men of all ages. It is not just a problem for elderly men, be sure of that.

For men the trip with the lads, golf weekend or rugby tour is a fun opportunity to connect and break away. But more and more men are rejecting a boozy trip that leaves energy and wallet more depleted at the end of the trip than expected. Taking a week to recover from such a trip is becoming unpalatable to men of all ages.

Fresh air and outdoor activity is replacing the boozy boys break

So in 2022 it's not just about men wanting to take a retreat, but about rejecting the alternative. The truth is just as the culture of smoking has died out, the drinking culture is going the same way for many men. Men are looking for more healthy, challenging and wholesome activities that improve well-being both mental and physical.

When researching what men see as challenges with my friend Johan Bergman from Sweden we were surprised to see that quality of friendships was a big, big issue for many men. This was perhaps THE biggest issue for many men. Things they felt they should be able to discuss with old friends was an unexpectedly common challenge. Men increasingly feel disconnected from old friends and there is a lack of common values and even rivalry.

Women are in fact far ahead of men in taking time out with other women to rebuild energy, They are far more likely to take a break from routine and refocus their lives and health. More and more women take a week's retreat as a regular annual event. Ironically, we do see a strange position in many couples whereby the woman takes an annual yoga retreat to Turkey for example, but the idea of her male partner doing the same is often met with hostility. This shows that although the male retreat service is growing fast – it's purpose is still seriously misunderstood by men and their partners alike.

But happily this is starting to change in line with the general trends in the holiday market. Some forecasters now believe that as early as 2026 60% of all holidays taken by adults will be a form of retreat.

What Happens at a Man's Retreat?

Generally speaking the best men's retreats combine 7 key elements, a magnificent seven if you like.

  1. Rest and relaxation
  2. Fitness and health improvement
  3. Fun activities
  4. Comradeship and making new friends
  5. Deeper exploration of masculinity
  6. Sharing and solving problems
  7. Rethinking self-leadership and life direction

What happens at a men's retreat varies quite a lot

There is of course a big variation in what happens at a man's retreat. But there is one very common thread emerging across most types of retreats.

This is an investigation at individual and group level of what it is to be a man in 2022. Many retreats explore masculinity. There is no doubt that there is a range of opinions on how this is now defined. This makes for extremely interesting discussions and shows how the life purpose of many men is in fact tied up in this issue – often creating confusion and lack of direction. Different retreats deal with it differently of course but it certainly sparks a lot of outpouring, some frustration and ideas. At Dragon Retreats we set the task of coming up with a collective shaping of what being a man in 2022 should be about.

The men-only element of a retreat is important. Although female guides and instructors are not unusual, (we have the amazing Melissa Heisterkamp on self-discovery and the brilliant Ellen Picton on nutrition) when it comes to deep sharing, these are almost always better with just men in the room. I personally would defend this to the hilt. Men simply will not open up and share really personal issues in front of women. Some people have challenged me on this, but I stand firm. Men have certain topics they will only discuss with other men. This is not age-related either.

Speaking of age, most men's retreats are attended by a broad age range. This actually improves the groups interaction. By the end of many retreats the generational respect and understanding between the men soars and benefits everybody.

Activities vary tremendously of course. I explore this in more depth in this article. But fundamentally the two big types of retreats in the men's well-being arena are Spiritual and Commando training . They are at two ends of the spectrum. What happens at a man's retreat will be heavily influenced by which end of the spectrum the retreat you choose sits.


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Spiritual mens retreats are not widely dissimilar to many women's retreats having meditation and yoga at the core of their content.

Some are finely tuned for men and I really respect the creators and operators of these programmes. They do important work, especially with men who are really struggling emotionally.

There are of course weaker offerings, which are fundamentally women's retreats pointed at the male market. I think those serving you up a retreat of this type can do better. These are not the best men's retreats.

Commando Training Type Retreats

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There are also men's retreats focused on being a very tough dude. These can be a lot of fun (and pain) and will certainly challenge your fitness and build your determination.

You have to be pretty fit on arrival and looking for big physical challenges. These retreats serve a section of the male population very well. But, I think it probably suits the US male culture better than the European one.

What Are the Different Types of Men's Retreats?

In order to fully answer what is a man's retreat all about? I am giving my opinion on the different types of men's retreats.

Faith-Based Men's Retreats

Christian men's retreats are EXTREMELY popular in the United States and there are a few in Europe too. They are probably the most numerous of all types of retreats for men on the planet. They offer a coming together of Christian men in fellowship and common beliefs.

The Granite Ridge Camp in California says :-

“Granite Ridge Camp is filled with unique experiences tailored to empower, equip and encourage individuals to experience life as they grow and connect with God and other people. Our goal is building relationships that lead to personal and spiritual growth.”

Christian camps are used by many to refresh their faith and take a break from the world.

Whether you are a Christian or not, one has to admire the way in which these retreats or camps have evolved creating a strong force of good in the male community – especially in the USA.

I think the purpose of men-only Christian camps can be summed up with four main priorities.

  • As a way of strengthening or examining personal faith
  • To nurture oneself
  • To sharpen your axe by being your best self
  • To share and learn from others of like minds

There are of course other faith-based retreats for men. At Dragon Retreats we are open to men of all faiths and beliefs.

Commando Type Retreats

This area of the men's retreat is based on finding a stronger you and putting yourself to significant challenges – some being extremely tough indeed! Commonly instructors are ex-Special Forces or champion athletes who are able to transfer their supreme resilience and self-motivation skills across to their students.

Advertising for this type of camp is like a Marines' recruiting poster and it is certainly appealing. If I was a few years younger I would love to link arms in the December surf or carry a telegraph pole 10 miles in the dark. Actually I would!

It is easy to scoff at this type of camp – and many do! But the challenge element is admirable in my view.

Yes the participants look like they have been “dragged through a fence backwards” – a wed muddy, thorny fence at that. But they have created a bond with the men struggling alongside them. A real bond. The sort of bond you would not make with the guy working to the left or right of you in an office in 10 years.

The sleep deprivation, cold seas, big hills and tough treatment saps the strength of participants until these men can do not more. But then the team ethic sees them rise up once more for that last bit of effort, making them stronger and more resilient.

Tougher on the retreat – certainly makes them tougher back in the real world.

And for many men, there is a believe that breaking down in tears at every challenge is not the way through life and that grit and self-mastery is the way forward.

What happens at a man's retreat is very different and not a uniform experience by any means.

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation, along with nutritional education and experiences are generally the mainstay of women's retreats. There is also a parallel in the world of men's retreats.

Self discovery, mindfulness, specialist teachings and philosophies are interlaced with physical and dietary elements to form a great experience.

If this is coupled with a location of special significance and or beauty then a magical experience will greet the participant.

This is also true for more “New Age” men's retreats and these are extremely popular with many men across a broad age spectrum.

From what I can see, most men who attend a retreat of this nature have already practised meditation and or yoga beforehand. I am sure there are exceptions, but this seems to be the norm.

Some of the guides and instructors on these types of retreats are very, very experienced in helping people cope with the trials and dilemmas of everyday life. Many are well qualified counsellors and seem to have a genuine vocation for helping people.

Retreats for Businessmen

I wrote my first book Bouncepreneurs for entrepreneurs whose businesses have failed and understand the mindset of entrepreneurs pretty well I think.

For this reason I fully endorse and support the work of any organisation seeking to support men in business.

Preventing business failure is extremely important and ensuring the mental and physical health of successful businessmen is very important to those individuals, their families, employees and society as a whole in my view.

It is very interesting that many of the most successful camps serve men in this category. They also tend to be the most expensive. What is also interesting is that these are commonly the most challenging mentally and physically of all the camps, often crossing over in the Commando type category.

The tough MDK Project definitely fits this description and advocates balance through achievement of their 4F's

  1. “Faith: An unbreakable attitude that they can do, be, or have anything they are willing to work for.
  2. Fitness: In not only of their physical body and health but their emotional discipline and mental toughness.
  3. Family: Healthy relationships with their spouse and kids and the respect and admiration of those that they lead.
  4. Finances: Wealth, business success and financial freedom and abundance.”

I admire the MDK Project for this concept it is strong. Although I am not entirely sure the family model works for everyone. In 2022 as many men attending retreats in the UK have been through divorce, breakups or death of a spouse.

But these programmes share a common thread and that is, they place great value on traditional masculine values and strongly resist the emasculation of men in the modern world. They do not generally go as far as the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) movement. But there may be some overlap.

The Dragon Retreats Model

To finish I would like to position my own retreat for men Dragon Retreats in the spectrum of choice for retreats. We have tried to learn from the great work done by forerunners mentioned above in this field.

At the cornerstone of our methodology is having men from diverse backgrounds, beliefs, fitness levels and ages.

Central to the way our programme was designed is that the POWER IS IN THE GROUP and not in instructors.

Now I have heard that men only open up emotionally and discuss their real scars and wounds once they have been beaten down physically, like the commando-type methodology advocates.

But I believe that the same result can be achieved with men through fun and laughter – lots of laughter. Men who laugh together share together. So we work very hard to create a fun vibe and environment. But we do recognise that some of the men on the retreat will be facing tough life challenges.

We also believe in exercise and doing as much as possible in a natural place of outstanding beauty. I think our base in Stackpole in Pembrokeshire is second to none offering stunning coastal walking and sea activities, along with the most restful wooded glades and hiking country.

Swimming, kayaking, hiking and challenges are integrated into the Dragon Retreat. We do a Wim Hof cold plunge in the sea to start the day. By the end of the week everyone is on board.

Many men openly admit that they do not look after themselves well, so we aim to show a better path without nagging or being “holier than though.” We encourage a virtually electronic and alcohol free environment, except a small beer or wine with dinner and maximum sleep and rest.

Ellen Picton on Dragon Retreats

On nutrition, men hate being hungry. We like guests to eat well with plentiful portions and learn about nutrition in the real world as the week goes by with the amazing Ellen Picton. Ellen educates by showing healthy food can taste great and is not difficult to prepare.

We create a great team bond using the learning experience of the Haka with the UK's leading educators in this field TOA Haka. This is something the corporate retreat industry is already adopting fast. Why because it works.

Self-discovery is a key part of the retreat, without it men cannot revisit their self-leadership. So at the start of the week high performance coach Melissa Heisterkamp uses safe sparring boxing to develop a good look at yourself. She also investigates student's personal brand and how you project yourself to others.

We have taken learning from our forerunners of men's retreats along the spectrum from commando to spiritual. Our aim is to deliver a fun, bright and meaningful process of self-discovery without being to dark or heavy.

But on a serious note to conclude this article. Men are struggling and although there are plenty of signposts for help the resources are simply not there to help. The mental well-being of men is badly neglected. There is much to do in re-defining and in some ways re-establishing male values and the ways men can impact society for the better in 2022 and beyond. Retreats can be an important catalyst in this area.

Ultimately, we believe (like some of those running other retreats) that self-leadership development is the key success measure of a retreat for men.

"What is a man's retreat all about?" - it is about sending participants back to their World with the confidence and clarify to implement self-leadership in their own lives.

Take a Retreat

I very much hope that this article has whetted your appetite and improved your understanding regarding the content of retreats and the spectrum of choice you have.

In closing I believe men benefit greatly from retreats and the growth of the industry certainly reflects this fact.

I hope I have answered the question “What is a Man's Retreat All About?”

Find Out More – Come and Join Dragon Retreats in July

Join Dragon Retreats men's wellbeing holiday this July

To find out more about the Dragon Retreat on July 18th -23rd 2022 contact me on [email protected] or visit our website www.dragonretreats.com for more detail.


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