What manifestos of national parties say about their vision for the Power sector and environment?
One can not forget the recent demand of national organisation working in field of power, renewable sector and environment asking national parties to include suitable vision for respective sectors in their manifestos. As the elections are already in place and national parties (mainly Congress and BJP) have released their manifestos, we have tried to understand the vision they have for power sector and environment. For this, we have tried to focus on 2 main national parties of India: BJP and Congress. To understand it in better way, we have fragmented their promises for these sector into broadly 5 sectors.
First of all, power sector. On one hand, BJP has promised to ensure right mix of energy for cleaner environment. Moving forward from scheme of Saubhagya, it will ensure supplying quality electricity to all consumers. Apart from this, it will to ensure state electricity entities financially sound and administratively more efficient.
On the other hand, congress will formulate a policy on Clean Energy in existing power plants that use fossil fuels. Every village and every home will be electrified in the true sense.
Second, renewable energy. BJP will encourage solar farming on massive scale and farmer will become “Urja daata” (energy provider). It will continue efforts to achieve goal of 175 GW by 2022 and promote International Solar Alliance (ISA). Also, it will get latest technologies to transform waste to energy and wealth in a major mission.
Congress, on the contrary, promises to enhance availability of, and access to, electricity in rural areas by encouraging investment in off-grid renewable power generation with ownership and revenues vesting in local bodies. It will work on substituting LPG used in homes by electricity and solar energy in long term. Like BJP, it will also promote Green Energy to enhance the share of solar and wind energy in the total supply of energy. It endeavour to make India a green manufacturing hub and reduce tariffs and lift trade barriers for clean technology and provide incentives for the adoption of such technologies.
Third, electric mobility. BJP will announce new industrial policy to improve competitiveness of manufacturing and services in order to gear up for technologies like AI and electric mobility. It will launch National Urban Mobility Mission to provide technology based urban mobility solutions and under this mission, cities will be incentivized to integrate public transport system with private service providers in sector such as e-rickshaw, private bus operator, etc. It will work in direction of making India world-leader in electric mobility. It will work further on FAME scheme to ensure expansion of new mobility experience.
Congress will formulate and implement a policy on urban transport with emphasis on metro rail, suburban rail, electric vehicles, public bus transport, hired vehicles and shared vehicles. We will encourage non-motorised transport, namely, walking and cycling.
Forth, waste. BJP will ensure 100% disposal of liquid waste water through emphasis on faecal sludge management and reuse of waste water in rural, peri urban and unsewered areas.
Congress has promised to implement a comprehensive plan for the treatment and safe disposal of sewage. Also, it will implement a solid waste management plan in every habitation, village, town and city employing modern technology and machinery. Those engaged in waste management and disposal will be assured appropriate equipment, dignity and safe working conditions.
Fifth, environment and climate change. BJP is committed to maintain pace of forest and environment clearance and adding forest cover for eligible projects through adoption of cleaner practices to make our nation a greener nation. Considering air pollution a problem for India, BJP has promised to convert National Clean Air Plan into a mission and focus on 102 most polluted cities in the country. Through concerted action, it strive to reduce level of pollution in each of mission cities by at least 35% over next 5 years.
Congress will address issues concerning towns and cities including climate change and urban transport. Congress has promised an action agenda to battle against global warming and for the protection of the environment and also will defend and advance India’s interests in international negotiations on Climate Change and the Environment. It will constitute Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to establish, monitor and enforce environmental standards and regulations.
Moving to air pollution, congress have promised to significantly strengthen the National Clean Air Programme in order to urgently tackle the problem of pollution. All major sources of emission will be targeted, mitigated and reduced to acceptable levels. Sectoral emission standards will be set.
Congress will work to impose a complete ban on the import of all types of waste. Congress will work with State Governments to increase the forest cover from the current level of 21 per cent to 25 per cent by the year 2025.
Although it promises to promote cooking by electricity, Congress has also promised to provide clean cooking fuels at affordable prices to all the households of the country and monitor the price of LPG cylinders and mitigate through subsidies the burden of price increases on the homemaker. Annual Budget will adopt the core principles of Green Budgeting.
Although both parties have tried to provide a good vision on power sector and environment, some of basic requirements have not been addressed like affordable and accessible energy (especially electricity and energy for cooking need), stressed assets in power sector, strengthening transmission infrastructure, land, water and noise pollution, air pollution in whole region (and not just in cities), focus on biomass or bio-energy, etc. Although both parties have promoted increasing forest cover, they lack need of local plantation in cities.