What is man that You remember him
What is man that You remember him, the son of man that You look after him? Psalms 8:4. When we look at history both the worlds and the history of the descendants of Abraham this becomes a very relevant question. Why does God love us? The easy answer is He just does. The hard answer is He Just does.
It is true that we can carefully sift through Scripture and look for clues, such as He made us and desired a relationship with us, and these are true. But in all honesty do these tidbits explain why God would not only love us, but love us to the degree that He would send His son to die for us? God is self sufficient He does not need anyone to love. He is all powerful; He does not need anyone to work for Him.
Some have postulated that mankind was created so God had someone to have a relationship with, someone to enjoy and watch over His creation. Okay but again God is self sufficient and all powerful so He does not need to have a relationship or caretakers outside of Himself. So creating mankind was not for Him as much as it was for us. We became, we began to exist. And God chose to love us.
The reality is we are loved and at this time it is truly outside our ability to actually comprehend why. It is enough to simply accept His undying and unyielding love. Perhaps there will come a time when we will understand why we are loved. There might come a time when the question “what is man that you remember him”, will have an answer. But until then it must be enough to simply know that He does.