What makes your Validation process even better is appropriate accessories !
There are many factors that can impact the quality and efficiency of a thermal process. The main concerns are acquiring accurate temperature data from the correct measuring points.
Calibration of the sensors takes care of the accuracy but it all goes down the drain if the sensors are incorrectly positioned. Your focus should therefore be all about identifying the worst-case conditions that the product would be exposed to during the process by conducting heat distribution & heat penetration tests to identify lowest temperatures and slowest heat transfer leading to the lowest microbial reduction, thereby indicating whether the process was successful or not.
At Ellab, we strive towards accurate and repeatable measurements regardless of the application or difficulty of reaching the critical measuring points. For decades we have provided custom fittings as a part of our services and we constantly develop new and improved fittings and accessories in order to adapt to any need or requirement within various applications.
Find out more at : https://www.ellab.com/products/accessories
While exploring, please keep in mind that our specialists see no limitations to what is possible and would be excited to try out one of your samples.
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