What makes you stronger?
Matheus Gomes Ferreira de Moraes
Especialista em Controladoria e FP&A | Coordenador de Controladoria | Supervisor de Controladoria | FP&A | Finan?as | Planejamento e Análise Financeira
Have you ever stopped to think about the fact that if you are where you are today it is because of all the things that you have already passed through in your life that made find inside of you the necessary strenght that you needed to have in that period to be able to deal with a certain kind of situation? It is the kind of thrill that is inside of you and that makes you feel extremely powerful which strenth comes from your own effort to be able to handle with many kind of situations you are in. I am sure that if I had to ask you where does this strenght comes from you wouldn't know how to answer me because you don't know what made you stronger in that period of time in life. Indeed, we are human beings trying every day to be perfect and looking forward to perfection, but there are some people that only wnat to be stronger only by being at their comfort zone without open up themselves to what life has to teach them. I wonder when those people get older what kind of lessons of life they got through their life to pass to their grandchild once they don't have any kind of memories they could hold on to.
My purpose with this text is to assure you that the only way you can be strong is by passing through difficult situations and problems in life. There can't be maturity or human evolution if you are not able to give up from who you were in the past to be someone stronger in the presente and that's why it is so important for you to leave your comfort zone now in the present if you want to be better as personal and professional in the future. Sometimes we think that it is impossible for us to pass through a certain kind of difficulty that we are handling in the presente. But, have you ever noticed that you pass trough it with courage and enthusiasm? And is it? Because you want to proof yourself that you are worthy, you are valuable, and you are right to do that. Nobody is going to knock your door in your house and ask you what is your problem or what are you bills to pay them for you. It is something that takes a decision from you now and you will start to see that very brave things will start occuring in your life. But, if you want them to happen, it is a decision that must come from you. People can't make choices in your place, you are the one who gives form of your life.
I am going to give you and example of mine, I have already passed through many situations in life that made me be the person that I am today and those situations contributed for me to me thoughtfull person. I started to be someone who would start accepting positive advices and throw in the cash negative thoughts. Ever since I did that, my life started to be better and I started to see life in a very different way that I was seeing in the past and it made total ddifference in my life and it made me be someone who started to put myself in other people's places and start to see them in a different way. It is an exercise that takes from us dedication, time and effort to achieve our personal goals. But, my message is: if you are dealing with any kind of bad situations and moments in your life, see your problems as challenges that life has purposed for you to pass through. Challenge yourself by always asking: "What am I thinking? I am going to win this battle andbe victorious" I can do it and I will do it. No matter how big this problem may seem to look like. I will always see beyond my limits." Put into practice this exercise and you will start to see your life in a vry different way.
I know that because of this pandemic period that we are living in it became such an impossible activity and exercise for some people to simply sudden change. But, start with small problems of your life. Understand: a big director of an industry didn't become who he is today easily. He had to pass through so much problems, challenges, bad people, listen to some things he didn't like and swallow them on quietly. Every single person has a different story and that what makes us unique and single as a human and person. If you are reading this article, I have a message for you: whenever you see someone passing through something thatyou have already passed through, help this person, be an example of strenght to this person and show him/her that if you passed through it he/she also can pass through. Kindness once putten into practice generates kindness as well. For our wold to be better we have to make our part constructing brave kinds of gratitude and courage. Are you going to be someone who is eternaly frustrated by the things that didn't occur as the way you thought they should happen in your life or are you going to start waking up for what life has to offer to you be free from your past that has already caused too much pain in your life and those who sorround you?
That was my article and I really do hope that I could help you somehow with some things that life thought in my twenty two years of life only. Unfortunately, some people with whom I had never spoken send me massages how I dare to say such things once I am twenty two years old and all I don't care about what those people have to say, it only shows me that my work is working and being successfull and I am grateful for every commentary like those people send me because it oly makes me want to publish articles like this even more on social media, especially here on Linkedin. I constantly see many people with elevated jobs in the firms they work but I miss the human part that is not too much discussed here on Linkedin and makes an essential part on the employee's life. We can't always use Linkedin as a tool to work like as if we were robots who are manipulated to act like this, think like this. I feel like as if we were stereotyped by people telling us that we can't talk about humanityu here on Linkedin, it is just a shame that it still happens nowadays, we have to disconstruct this mentality, is working important? For sure it is! But, you are a human being as well. And both personal and professional life cannot be separated. If one area of the those is affected in your life, the other one will be afected too. Think about that.
With best regards,
Matheus Gomes Ferreira de Moraes.