What Makes You Come Alive?
Chris Natzke
8th Degree Black Belt | 1999 U.S. Taekwondo Champion | Inspirational Speaker | Leadership Coach | Best-Selling Author | Former Sales Executive | America's Breakthrough Sensei
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
- Howard Thurman
I have been extremely blessed in my life to have several amazing teachers, instructors and mentors along my path. These people have guided me in all areas of my life. Whether it was martial arts, sports, business or parenting, each one of these incredible individuals, regardless of their area of influence, has left an indelible impact on my life and the lives of those that I serve. See my video here.
In reflection, I have come to realize, that all of these important people in my life had three very distinct things in common; 1) they were incredibly good at what they did, 2) they were passionately unselfish in sharing their wisdom 3) and finally, and probably most importantly, they absolutely loved what they did. What's important to note is in sharing their craft with others in this way, it wasn’t just a mild enjoyment they experienced, it is what made them come alive.
I believe in each one of us lies wonderful gifts to be shared. Hard wired within our DNA are talents, skills and desires that are meant to come forth so we may positively impact our friends, families, associates and organizations and as a result, make the world a better place.
One of these amazing human beings that has had a profound impact on me that I would like to recognize is my friend and mentor, Joe Sabah.
Now, 88 years old, Joe Sabah is a legend in the speaking industry. He began his career in 1974 by working to book some of the most legendary names in the business, such as Zig Ziglar, Cavett Roberts and Og Mandingo. From that experience, he found his life purpose, a love of speaking from the stage and helping others to discover their message and the means to do the same. In 1981, he co-founded, with his then wife, Judy, the National Speakers Association of Colorado, which to this day, remains the most vibrant chapter of this organization in the United States. Also, through his How to Speak for Fun and Profit seminars, Joe has mentored and coached literally thousands of aspiring speakers on the art of powerfully communicating their message from the stage over the past four decades.
Recently, I got to see how magic can truly manifest in one’s life when we answer the call to serve others by sharing what makes us come alive, when I was asked to emcee an event honoring Joe. Thirty of his closest friends and associates gathered in his retirement community home to celebrate his life and tell stories of the impact he has had on them all while enjoying a slice (or two) of his favorite banana meringue pie.
What was so wonderfully interesting about this experience, is that that although many of the stories began with how Joe had impacted their speaking careers, each sharing inevitably ended with gratitude for how Joe had gone far beyond that and impacted their personal lives in profound ways. Friends shared about how he was always curious about how they were doing, offering words of encouragement and consistently providing friendship and support when people were in need. Joe (and Judy) had impacted many lives, all while Joe had followed one simple rule; do what you love and share it with others in the world.
As I prepared for my role as host for the event, I recalled many of what I would call “Joe-ism’s” that had positively impacted me personal throughout the years. These included:
- “Speakers write and writers speak” – This inspired me to write and publish my first book, Black Belt Leadership.
- “There are over 50 clubs and associations who need speakers each Wednesday in Denver alone. They will allow you to speak, and they’ll feed you – What a deal!” – This inspired me to do scores of talks in Denver-area clubs and associations and propelled me into my professional speaking career which now affords me the opportunity to travel nationally and share my message with audiences.
- “You don’t have to be great to start; you just have to start to be great.” – As any entrepreneur will admit, there many times when fear of taking risk or making a mistake can be paralyzing. I can’t begin to remember how many times this simple phrase has inspired me to take action when fear had been getting in my way. See my video on this gem of a "Joe-ism" here.
Even though he is now in a wheelchair due physical impact of a stroke over a decade and a half ago, Joe’s mind is still incredibly sharp and his love for speaking and inspiring an audience is still alive within him. Several times, during our honoring of him, Joe would take command of the floor to tell a story or share words of wisdom. On several occasions, he was so excited to share, that he had his personal assistant, Milton help him up to his feet, so he could more impactfully make his point and connect with his audience. His voice would rise, his eyes would sparkle and the attention of his friends and students, even though they had heard many of the stories several times before, clung to his every word.
Joe was doing what made him come alive.
Towards the end of the event, Joe said with a slight crack in his voice, “Judy and I never had any kids, but look at all of the kids we have here.” He was talking about his “speaker family”.
This week, I challenge all of us to reflect on what we love to do and engage in ideas, plans and action for how we can best share our skills and talents in these areas with our communities and the world. It doesn’t have to be in our career (although it very well could be). It just might be in a way the you find pure joy in expressing; such as teaching, writing, playing music, spending time in nature or simply serving others. Whatever it is, I know one thing for sure. We all have that special something within us and when we choose to express it and share it in the world, we can start a chain-reaction of love and joy that can truly make the world a better place and experience a life truly worth living.
What is it for you, are you ready to get started? If you haven't already, why not? Remember, as my good friend and mentor Joe would say, “You don’t have to be great to start; you just have to start to be great.”
Thanks for doing what makes YOU come alive, Joe.
Chris Natzke
Black Belt Leadership Speaking & Coaching
PS: I you are looking to experience a breakthrough in your life in 2019 and beyond, check out my new Mind of a Champion Home Study Course: 8 Weeks to Creating a Life of Power, Passion and Purpose.
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5 年Thank you, Chris!
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5 年Love this!!!!!!