What makes you anxious?
Marion Nixon
I help business women ready to do more, ditch the doubt and emotional baggage that sabotage achievement and build deep inner confidence so they can achieve their biggest goals without feeling like an imposter.
Welcome to the 52nd edition issue of Mindset Transformation published on the 27th June 2024. I trust you enjoy reading it. I'd enjoy getting feedback from you so I can address topics relevant to you.
The purpose of this newsletter is to share my ideas, tips, and strategies on transforming your mindset that so you can transform your business and personal life.
What if you could resolve your anxiety instead of just managing it - banish it instead of pushing through it? There is a way to do that!
What makes you anxious? ?
And what lies under that?
If you go a little deeper, under the ‘thing’ that makes you anxious is a belief that is the real reason you’re feeling anxious.
Anxiety is like a tree:
The part that catches attention is the foliage, the leaves - symptoms
looking deeper into the foliage we see the branches - emotions
then there’s the trunk – the event/s that set off the anxiety
and the part we see very little of, the root system – beliefs, often hidden, that feed the anxiety
For example, if at school you felt embarrassed and humiliated when you answered a question incorrectly (original event), you may have subconsciously created a belief (root) that speaking up in public puts you in danger of being humiliated again. As an adult, even though you don’t remember the school incident, you become very anxious (leaves) about possibly being embarrassed (branch) when you speak to a group of people (triggering event).
If you seek to release anxiety without addressing the root belief, at best you will manage your anxiety. You’ll feel better and manage the situation better, but the anxiety will recur. If you change the underlying belief, your anxiety will have nothing to sustain it and will fade away completely.
If this feels impossible, contact me for a complimentary call so I can explain how you can do it.
It’s easier than you think!
The importance of mindset is huge because what you think is what you become and achieve. Having transformed my life by transforming my perception of myself and what I can achieve, including becoming comfortable on video, I understand this profoundly.
That's why I'm excited to offer a free 30 minute online consultation to my subscribers. Whether you're struggling with a particular challenge or want to take your business to the next level by increasing your visibility, this consultation is a great opportunity to gain valuable insights and guidance.
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