What Makes a Team Great?
Stefan Lindegaard
I help sharpen your leadership approach, build high-performance teams and enhance corporate innovation through new, original tools like Team Dynamics Cards and the Gap Map Overview.
It's a loaded question but let's dive in: you're a team player, yes? But does your team prioritize collective growth and psychological safety? If so, there's always room for further enhancement.?
Here's my perspective, based on interacting with teams globally:
1. Collective Growth Mindset: Teams thrive with curious learners, less with know-it-alls.
2. Psychological Safety: Embrace constructive feedback, hard conversations, and risk-taking in a secure environment.
3. Clear Purpose: Ensure team objectives resonate personally, answering "what's in it for me?"
4. Trust and Transparency: Despite potential risks, mutual trust, dependability, and transparency yield substantial rewards.
5. Execution: All the above mean nothing without effective execution. Support and mandate are crucial.
6. Have Fun: A joyful environment can enhance productivity and team spirit.
Which of these elements resonates most with you? Is something missing in this list? I'm curious on your thoughts. Thanks for contributing to this conversation.