What makes a successful EX practitioner?
The EX Space.
The global learning community for employee experience & engagement professionals. Join free today at theexspace.com
What makes a successful employee engagement / EX practitioner? What skills and experience do they have? And what do they need? What makes a difference to people working in this profession? These are questions we have pondered over for a while. So we decided to find out.
Working with EE and EX practitioners day in day out we hear first-hand that there is a desire, and a need, to elevate the profession. We know that practitioners are committed to their development but how do you do this, and where do you go for support, when by its very nature the world we work in is so broad and diverse?
Over the past six weeks we have interviewed around 30 senior-level EX and employee engagement practitioners, who are all doing great work in their organisations, to explore these questions further, and we’d love to share the findings with you.
We asked practitioners to tell us about:
- The work they do day-to-day
- How they ended up in their current role
- Where they sit in the organisation and who they report into
- How well EX and EE are understood in their organisation
- What they want to achieve in their role
- Their thoughts on the skills and experience that make a difference to the EX/EE practitioners
- And a whole lot more
We heard it’s tough out there for practitioners. The current climate coupled with a lack of understanding of the EX and EE profession means they have their work cut out. And the scope of EX/EE is so broad and diverse it can feel overwhelming to know where to focus to really make a difference. This emerging profession doesn’t sit neatly in one team or area which presents both challenges, as well as opportunities.
The insights we gathered were illuminating, and have enabled us to develop an EX Strengths Map, to help you understand where your role sits and what behaviours and technical skills you need. We’re really excited about the potential for our EX Strengths Map to help practitioners further develop the right skills for the work they’re doing both today and in the future. And of course the insights are underpinning our upcoming accredited development programme specifically designed for EX and EE practitioners to help transform the world of work.
This will form part of our new web-based learning community, The EX Space, which will launch late Spring (you can sign up to learn more about The EX Space here).
If you want to learn more please join us at the upcoming webinar on 22nd February at 1pm. You’ll be the first to hear about this ground breaking research and receive a complimentary copy of the accompanying white paper which has all the details. What are you waiting for, sign up today!