What makes React JS best choice for SaaS Applications

What makes React JS best choice for SaaS Applications

First developed by Facebook, ReactJs later spread out to some of the most prominent SaaS applications which have become an important part of our daily lives like Netflix, Yahoo! Mail, Instagram and many more. Whether you are a novice and on the lowest part of the learning curve or an expert, ReactJs has met the client's desires and much of the time even surpassed it. ReactJs was publicly released from 2015 with its library for the most part utilized for building the UI. It was even ranked on Stackoverflow with the highest demand in 2017.

Keeping up the latest trends is a must for every business and with giants like Netflix, Instagram and Facebook realizing this, there is a large shift of interest towards ReactJs and its unmatchable features.

Understanding ReactJs

To put it quite simply, ReactJs is an open-source JavaScript library that is used for building user interfaces specifically for single-page applications. The view layer for web and mobile applications is taken care of by it. It also allows users to create several UI components. Jordan Walke who was a software engineer at Facebook created React and was deployed on Facebook’s newsfeed in 2011, and later on Instagram in 2012.

It lets developers create large web applications in which data could be changed without reloading the application. React comes with the benefit of being fast, scalable and simple. It also can be utilized pair with other JavaScript libraries like Angular in MVC.

A fair knowledge of its features will help us further understand its universe

React Native

ReactJs has native libraries that were announced by Facebook in 2015. The introduction of native libraries has been an aid to local applications like iOS, Android and UPD that rendered them the react architecture.

React-native is especially used for building a mobile app framework using Javascript. It utilizes a similar plan to React letting the developers use the rich mobile UI components. It makes use of the fundamental UI building blocks as regular as iOS and android-based apps.


ReactJs uses JSX instead of regular JavaScript for layouts. JSX is a very simplistic JavaScript that helps HTML quoting and employs the HTML tag syntax to deliver the subcomponents. The syntax structure is additionally prepared into JavaScript calls for React Framework. 

Single-way data flow

In the case of ReactJs, a group of abiding values is transported to the renderer of components as properties in its HTML tags. It is beyond the realm of imagination to legitimately adjust any property by the segment yet it can unquestionably convey a get back to that will help with the modifications.

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A virtual document Object model

ReactJs creates an in-memory data structure cache that gauges the transitions after which it updates the program. This lets the enablement of a special feature that helps the ReactJs developers to code like the whole page is rendered on every little change.

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How These Famous SaaS Companies Use ReactJs

Many of the SaaS developers want to build apps with ReactJs. Many ReactJs development companies have used it from the word Go while there are others who are slowly moving to it. We will give you a top to bottom glance at the most famous 5 SaaS companies and also try to understand how they use ReactJs for their benefits.


All things considered, it comes as an easy decision that FB is one of the SaaS applications that has been created with ReactJs on the grounds that they are the ones who figured it. In 2011, the use of ReactJs was first made in creating its news feed. Later in 2013, it was open-sourced so that the public could use it. The competitive features of ReactJs have been implemented on its news feed, Messenger, its ads and several other areas in the ad. The organization after that has expanded the JS library towards other apps like Instagram and WhatsApp.

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The move to ReactJs component-based structure is the upgraded rendering framework that lets different sections of the app to operate on its own without the need to alter others. You might have seen that Instagram stories have loaded fully but the messages haven’t because the processing of these sections has nothing to do with each other. This without a doubt an incredible thing as it doesn't prompt the issues related to falling changes adversely affecting the usefulness and visual components of the application.


The mobile app of Reddit was made using ReactJs.

ReactJs with the help of ReactJs native is considered the best to implement into a mobile app. Reddit is a famous conversation gathering that has around 250 million dynamic users. Users of Reddit are able to provide their insights on whatever you read from political issues to humor. People who are passionate users of Reddit prefer using the mobile version who later discuss in feeds with the utmost ease. The Subreddit ReactJs has more than 60k devotees in which individuals share employment bids, instructional exercises identified with that specific subject. Lately, in 2018, ReactJs was used by Reddit using the to modify its platform.

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For a SaaS application that is high on video loads, speed and execution matter a lot. ReactJs gives this bit of leeway by generating faster and effective rendering due to the presence of virtual DOM. Netflix uses ReactJs essentially to improve its overall experience on all devices from televisions to mobiles.

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We have all admired this SaaS application as a platform for photo collection and that which defines characterizes motivation perusing. It has more than 200 million active monthly users and is hugely favored for content sharing. The app currently has widgets that have been made using ReactJs. Also, the different components like pin, widget, follow button, profile widget has all been assembled utilizing ReactJs.

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Dropbox is a great SaaS application that has been developed using ReactJs to store documents and photographs on the web. It was not originally made on ReactJs but Dropbox switched to it because it was great for SEO, it offered quick rendering, improves testability and has a single-flow direction. This SaaS application depends intensely on having a consistent procedure to process immense information including photographs, recordings, and documents for umpteen clients simultaneously.

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There are several SaaS applications currently preferred by users, but these have garnered international acclaim based on their application performance.

Looking to hire ReactJs developers to build your SaaS applications? We provide you the right resources.

4 reasons leading you to ReactJs for SaaS applications

Earlier, we have mentioned that many associations are switching over to ReactJs for their applications because of its scope. Right now, plan to talk about 4 prominent points that should convince you to make the switch.

Code reusability

ReactJs is all about the production of parts on single-page applications which later on function independently. The structure resembles a building block where small chunks are individually responsible for a particular feature and in order to build a complex system, these blocks can be re-arranged. The segments can be reused for future undertakings letting the SaaS engineers have a base that can be utilized to fabricate as opposed to the beginning without any preparation consistently. Complex tasks are classified into several tasks that can be focussed upon one by one.

The problem and the workload of SaaS developers are saved as every component follows its independent logic.

Swifter rendering

This is only possible because of the virtual DOM model which is an updated version of the first DOM. It paves the way for better performance, great SEO and the ability to maintain well. Due to this concept, the legitimate following of parts requiring re-rendering can be determined. For example, on the off chance that you click on the checkbox to erase messages, there isn't a server obstruction when you attempt the capacity. Rather than that, the selected emails are eventually deleted in a single batch. This feature is previous for SaaS applications built with ReactJs because of the simple route and numerous functionalities improve client experience. 

The best part is that only the targeted components will require re-rendering on the client-side. Initially, the differentiating factor between the original DOM and virtual DOM is aligned, after which the actual DOM is further upgraded with fresh information. after which the real DOM is additionally updated with new data. This prompts an effective arrangement of usage profiting the functionalities of the SaaS application.


SaaS applications clearly require Search engine optimization apart from other features. To keep yourself ahead in competition means that your Google rankings and user experiences should be good enough to keep you in the front. Locales that are slower lose clients inside a couple of moments, consequently before going to the substance of a web application, coding must be SEO-accommodating so web indexes can get it.

The use of ReactJs for creating single-page applications helps in great performances as there is lesser retrieval of data. The website page and its parts work without the need to return an excursion to get more HTML data. This allows for instantaneous responses, especially between two tabs. Hence rather than extracting new data in order to load a full page, HTML data initiated changes with user response.

With this setup, you can easily move towards executing more current SEO highlights like headers, labels, and titles. The more responsive your SaaS application is, the more beneficial it is from a business sense.

Effortless Transfer From Web Page To Mobile App

As a famous custom software development company our proficient team of ReactJs developers believes that with ReactJs the transfer of a single-page application to a mobile app is smooth.

Summing up

What you use will come down to how much information and expertise you gain. ReactJs is considered a lightweight and simplistic library that is tailored to meet your modern needs.

You can have a detailed discussion with our ReactJs developer to understand how your SaaS application can perform.

React Js surely is great and SaaS application development companies like Infynno Solutions Chapter247 know how to use it to its potential. It comes with the benefit of simplicity, speed, and scalability that helps SaaS developers create amazing applications used by people everywhere.


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