What makes an organic farm, organic?
Have you ever wondered about the “organic” labels seen on many food items these days. What does this label really mean?
Organic farming has been around for a long time and was actually developed as a response to the environmental harm caused by the use of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilisers in conventional agriculture. Farmers wanted to mitigate the harmful side effects of these chemicals and rather promote the healthy ecological benefits of agriculture.
Proactive farming
Organic farming takes a proactive response as opposed to a reactive stance. Farmers following the principles of organic agriculture want to ensure they do as much to prevent environmental and ecological decline before it happens, not afterwards. They are very aware of the snowballing effects of climate change and want to do everything in their power to make sure agricultural practices are as little affected as reasonably possible.
Some ways organic farmers respond proactively is by using ecologically based pest controls and biological?fertilisers?derived largely from animal and plant wastes, compared to the synthetic fertilisers and pesticides used by conventional farming operations. Organic farms often choose to plant nitrogen-fixing cover crops whereas conventional farms may rather invest in equipment that reduces soil disturbance and minimises soil erosion instead of planting mixed crops or cover crops over their land.
It’s all about priorities
Chosen agricultural practices often come down to the priorities of the farming operation. Organic farms prioritise environmental and ecological wellbeing over securing larger and larger yields each year. Organic crops have been found to be about 25 percent lower overall than conventionally grown crops, although this can vary considerably depending upon the type of crop. The challenge for future organic agriculture will be to maintain its environmental benefits, increase yields, and reduce prices while meeting the challenges of food security for an increasing world population. Conventional farming on the other hand is designed to be scaled in order to continuously improve yields. Conventional farms prioritise profit through quantity and therefore often have to sacrifice the ecological and climate-change-mitigation benefits that organic farming boasts.
Quality over quantity
These benefits are counterbalanced for organic farmers with higher food costs for consumers. Consuming organic food products comes at a higher price due to the smaller yields of organic farms and the strict quality-control measures that organic farmers need to follow in order to be certified organic. On the consumer level, what you prioritise as important when buying farm produce, be it fresh veggies or processed goods, will also determine if you consume organic produce or not. We each need to decide for ourselves what kind of farming operations we would like to support, or whether it is not of a huge level of importance for us as consumers.
If you are interested in learning more about different agricultural practices and what these farming operations might look like in reality – especially from the perspective of the producer – why not take the extra step and enrol in one of our specialised courses?
AGRICOLLEGES international offers a wide range of online courses for different aspects of agriculture. Whether you are into citrus farming or aquaponics- there is a course for you!
All farmers, be they organic or conventional, need to start somewhere and there is no better place to start than with an introductory course from AGRICOLLEGES international. Visit?www.agricolleges.com?to see more and register! Courses are run throughout the year – make sure to check out dates for 2023.