What Makes Modern Liberalism?
Liberalism has an image problem —?even in western societies. While its opponents vilify the concept because of its perceived social coldness, its advocates don’t seem to strike the right tone in public debates. Time to ask: What constitutes modern liberalism??
Modern liberals stand up for self-determination and (!) solidarity. A liberal society values human uniqueness and diversity. It therefore protects our individual freedoms and promotes our self-development. But it also strengthens social cohesion, cushions hardships, absorbs failures in life plans, and always helps us to get a second chance. Solidarity does not end at the national border — especially not as long as there is poverty in the world.?
Modern liberals stand by the market economy. Under the conditions of modern society, it is the best means of enabling as many people as possible to lead a successful life. A well-ordered economy is therefore not only economically superior to other systems, but also morally superior. Undesirable developments in real market economies usually cannot be solved by "overcoming" market mechanisms, but by adapting framework rules and wisely re-designing the market.?
Modern liberals stand up for sustainability. They believe in rational environmental and climate protection that does without symbolic politics and moralism and is instead oriented to the criteria of effectiveness, efficiency, and justice. Market-based instruments that are guided by the polluter-pays principle and use competition and the economic principle of division of labor as a proven discovery principle for the most creative and best solutions play an important role here. However, sustainability also means not unduly restricting the financial room for maneuver of future generations: Above all, social security systems must be made future-proof.?
Modern liberals assume that knowledge and creativity are unlimited resources. This results in their optimism that in progress and reason lie the keys to solving the social challenges of our time.?
Modern liberals stand up for future prospects. They advocate unhindered and fair access to education, individual advancement and empowerment, and opportunities for advancement — at every stage of life. They are also clearly committed to excellence: top talents deserve top support. They are committed to progress, new technologies and innovation — and always keep people in mind, their needs for freedom and self-determination as well as their needs for protection and solidarity. In structural change, they rely on individual empowerment strategies (e.g., lifelong learning) and participation in progress, not on protection of vested rights.?
Modern liberals respect effort and the willingness to perform. They appreciate individual achievements and performance, but also recognize that people are blessed with different talents, have different starting conditions, and can experience happiness and unhappiness in very different ways. Those who achieve what they can deserve recognition and respect.?
Modern liberals seek debate and never take the easy way out. They try to convince with arguments — but also accept that positions can be shifted. They know that the world is complex and recognize that there are no simple and unambiguous answers to difficult questions. They question beliefs and confidently allow for doubt. They know the difference between moralism and morality.?
Modern liberals do not trust in moral appeals to solve large-scale social problems. Instead, the rely on the "improvement of legal and regulatory institutions with the intention of inducing us to do what the common good requires, even out of self-interest," as the German philosopher Hermann Lübbe put it.?
Modern liberals are aware of the vulnerability of democracy and the open society. They therefore try to protect them not only with law and order, but also advocate a civilized tone and approach in social discourse, listen and respect other opinions, do not exclude, do not polarize, do not scandalize. They know the social value of balance and compromise.?
For modern liberals, the freedom and dignity of the individual and solidarity among people are not contradictions. Together, they constitute the successful life of all people. In the same way, the economy and morality are not contradictions: both equally serve man and the successful life.?