What Makes Me Remarkable?
Natalia Nicholson
The Most Powerful Black Women are meeting in March. Will you be there?
I am a firm believer in the importance of acknowledging the unique reasons why #IamRemarkable.
“I am Remarkable as I live in a world that views me as being a minority, even though the power within me tells me differently.”
“I am Remarkable as I have to work twice as hard to get ahead due to limitations placed upon me even though within I feel limitless.
“I am Remarkable because I receive little love from those that can change lives and I give so much Love to those who are in need”.
International Women’s Month is here again, and there’s no better time to celebrate everything that’s wonderful about being a strong, independent woman.
With this in mind, I am working with The BEC to launch a women’s networking group to celebrate all of women’s amazing qualities which is inspired from Google’s # IamRemarkable. The first leg of this workshop was held on 11th March which was designed in mind to help empower women from all walks of life and especially those from underrepresented groups.
Raising Up Women Of All Backgrounds
As a woman of colour, I am committed to boosting the confidence, self-esteem and empowerment of women from all backgrounds. I want to see more women acknowledge their own remarkable qualities so that they can embrace their strengths and power.
My inspiration to run these workshops comes from my own experience and also through the Netflix documentary “She Did That” which explores black women’s passionate pursuits and entrepreneurship journeys with the aim of inspiring a new generation of women to bring about positive change in the world of work.
Women, and black women in particular, are a rapidly rising group of entrepreneurs who are building up brands and legacies despite the obstacles and prejudice that they often face. Although entrepreneurship is often a lonely and challenging journey, my goal is to offer those women travelling that road a space in which they can share their hopes, fears and positive stories and, most importantly, to recognise that, if other women can achieve, they can too!
What is “I AM Remarkable?”
#IamRemarkable is a Google initiative set up with the aim of empowering women and underrepresented groups to celebrate their many achievements, not only in the workplace, but beyond. Despite the fact that many organisations continue to invest in diversity programs, women are still underrepresented in executive roles, and those from racial, ethnic and social minorities are even more rarely seen in leadership positions.
A major hurdle faced by women when it comes to tackling the gender gap is their difficulty in self-promotion, or expressing their achievements vocally within the workplace. This issue also holds true for those from underrepresented backgrounds. #IamRemarkable strives to address this problem, so that the benefits of self-promotion can be achieved by everyone, regardless of their gender, race or background.
The goal of the I AM Remarkable workshop is to empower attendees to take control of the way that others perceive them by making them understand the powerful and unique contribution they can make in the working environment. Change cannot be accomplished instantly, but it is possible through consistent, small choices made on a daily basis. While this workshop won’t undo centuries of discrimination and bias, it allows attendees to focus on a single, yet vital, action that everyone can take to achieve greater equality.
This monthly workshop serves an even more important function. Not only does it teach self-promotion skills to those who can benefit from them most, but it also offers a safe space for women from underrepresented groups where they can celebrate all their achievements, whether in the workplace or beyond.
Bringing #IamRemarkable Online
While we celebrate March as Women’s Month, we are also confronted with the threats that the COVID 19 is posing to all of us. As much as I wanted to hold the #IamRemarkable workshop in flesh, I believe that safety is of utmost importance.
Hence, I will be holding the second leg of the #IamRemarkable workshop via Zoom this 1st April. You can register here for free: bit.ly/2Up10Qp
Looking forward to hearing from all women out there and let us all learn how to acknowledge our own remarkable qualities so that we can embrace our strengths and power.