About 60% of our customers come to us after they believed that they've formed an LLC on their own or had someone else do it for them and we have to fix it. When people form it on their own or online they usually only get the Articles of Organization filed and an EIN. They're able to open a bank account and assume that everything is okay. There are however more components required to afford you the Asset Protection & Reduction of Tax Liability which is your intention when you created the LLC. Along with the Articles of Organization you also need an Operating Agreement. It is the same as Bylaws for a Corporation and it defines how the LLC will operate in all aspects and defines you as Manager and separate from the LLC. This is where the Asset Protection comes into play. Without an Operating Agreement you still hold all the risk personally. From there you need a Corporate Book with Membership Certificates & Seal along with your Organizational Minutes, Initial Minutes and you must file for the appropriate tax election with the IRS for the type of business you're conducting. If you do not have a fully formed LLC we are able to help you so that your asset protection & tax savings are intact.
I always like to ask people "How does your LLC/S Corp work?" Often times the response is "I don't know my CPA just told me that I needed it." If you don't know how it works and how to work within it then how do you know if you're doing it properly and maximizing it's advantages? We believe that education is the key to success. You need to know all that you can do within your entity so that you may achieve the highest level of success. When you create your entity with us or have us fix your current entity we are available for questions whenever they arise. A week later, a month later or a year later just give us a call and the guidance doesn't carry a $400/hr cost like when you speak with your attorney or CPA. Guidance is included in all of our products because we know that as we help you become more successful that you will come back to us again and again to grow your structure, create a trust, retirement account or investment grade insurance. Our commitment to our clients is what separates us from the competition as our intention is to build long term, profitable relationships.
Call us to see how we can assist you 702-637-4040