What makes life worth living in the face of death? Free event for healthcare providers and students
C. Elizabeth Dougherty
Palliative Care Clinician & Assistant Clinical Professor
It was a brilliant evening co-hosting "What Makes Life Worth Living in the Face of Death" with the Department of Family Medicine, Division of Palliative Care at McMaster University. We welcomed healthcare providers and students from multiple disciplines, practices and programs. It was a full house!
This evening was part of the "100% Certainty Project. Death: Something to Talk About", our compassionate community initiative. We featured "When Breath Becomes Air" by Dr. Paul Kalanathi, read excepts from this extraordinary book, and at the conclusion of the evening, gave free copies of the book to a few lucky attendees. We then showed the remarkable TED Talk by Dr. Lucy Kalanathi. Attendees first heard some of Lucy's words from the book, and were later captivated as they listened to her insight and experience.
For the balance of the evening, we hosted a Death Cafe. It was brilliant to have a room full of clinicians and students, connecting in small groups, talking about what makes life worth living in the face of death.
Special thanks as well Canadian Virtual Hospice for providing free resources to all attendees!
It was a full house at the David Braley Health Sciences Centre!