What makes a great teacher - Great?
Most of us can trace through our memory back to someone, somewhere who influenced us greatly, and helped fashion who we are.
Not all these great people may have worked as a teacher by profession, but as a mentor, or leader they have taught well, and that knowledge stuck. A few yeas ago Nola Hennessey suggested a great teacher must "inspire".
These are easy words for Nola no doubt, as Nola herself is "inspiring". Nola works promoting excellence, great leadership, and teaching leaders the positive personal power to achieve global peace.
But what other qualities must a Great Teacher possess?
Full command of their subject? Or perhaps the way you present it?
Ask yourself - Why did the knowledge they taught, transfer and stick so well? Steve Stehr says that "passion about the subject engages the student". Is it infectious? Should the teacher really "ooze passion" for the subject matter as Alan Knight has suggested?
Looking back in your years of experience, just what exactly did your Great Teacher do differently that resonated with your values?
What made them special and why do we still look up to them? What is it that they do differently that engages you? Why does the knowledge they shared stick? What does a great teacher need to do?