What makes a great leader?

What makes a great leader?

Maybe, when you picture a good leader, you think of someone powerful and controlling – somebody that tells others what to do with total confidence.?

Quite often, we’ll look to the loudest and most dominating person in the room to find the leader.? But what determines a good leader isn’t something we can immediately see. It’s what they’re doing on the inside that matters more. A good leader, first and foremost, is a good self-leader.?

?What makes a good self-leader??

?To be a good self-leader you’ll need to:?

?·? ? ? Know yourself, including what your beliefs and values are and how these affect your behaviours?

·? ? ? Accept where your weaknesses lie and any failures that occur, while making sure you learn and develop?

·? ? ? Manage yourself and hold yourself accountable?

?·? ? ? Be committed to improving yourself and remaining open to feedback

?A big part of being a leader is developing and working on yourself. Leaders aren’t perfect and they don’t have all the answers. A good leader recognises this truth and takes time to learn from their mistakes, reflect on themselves and ask for help.?

?What else does it take to be a great leader?

?Instead of looking at leadership as a role that involves commanding others, approach leadership as a way to create spaces and opportunities for other people to stand up.?

?Doesn’t that sound better? Your role as a leader is to bring out the best in others, and this way of framing leadership keeps this aim at the centre of your role.?

?Another key part of being a leader is having the courage to speak up, even when the possibility of rejection is present. Despite the discomfort that can come with doing so, excellent leaders need to hold others accountable and speak out with honesty.?

So, now we’ve explored leadership with you a bit more, let’s try an exercise designed to help you lead better.?

?Try this Exercise

Reflect on your own leadership and the experiences you’ve been challenged with so far. Be honest with yourself, and answer the following questions:

  • What could you do better or do differently?
  • What are you afraid of that you haven’t yet addressed?
  • What can you do to grow and develop?

Remember, becoming a great leader is a process. It takes time!?

Start with getting to know yourself well enough, share your purpose and encourage others to stand beside you.?

Leadership doesn’t need to involve intimidation, control or having the loudest voice in the room.??

If you’d like to develop your coaching skills as a leader, have a look at our Leader as a Coach Training Programme. You can become a strong leader with the ability to draw the best ideas and performance from your team. Check it out https://optimuscoachacademy.com/leader-as-a-coach

