What Makes a Great Leader?
Natalie Woodbridge
Co-Founder and CEO of FurBrains - building a world where children’s companions are more than toys
It seems like a very subjective question and, in a way, it is. The attributes of a great leader are identified differently depending on which "great leader" you are admiring and who you are asking.
However, throughout the years, I have associated myself with many CEO's and leaders who I think are great within their industry. And, among them, I have begun to discover and learn the essential qualities that they all share that I feel are crucial to being a great leader.
They Have The Ability To Adapt
This might sound vague and maybe as if I am trying to get out of explaining the title question, but the ability to adapt is by far the best quality I have consistently identified in the great leaders around me. That’s because different situations call for different leadership styles, and to be a great leader, you have to know how you can adapt to fit the environment you are in and still come out on top.
People who find themselves being rigid and stagnant quickly break when faced with a situation or environment that they aren’t accustomed to dealing with. Greater leaders, on the other hand, consider their surroundings at all times and find ways to identify and work through obstacles as they occur.
They Have Faith In Their Beliefs
When observing the great leaders I know, this quality definitely stands out amongst them. While they all have very different beliefs, they all have confidence in what they do believe in. By this, I mean they are confident about their experiences and the lessons they have learned from them throughout their career.
As a leader, it is important that you believe in your ideas because, if you don’t express confidence in them, no one else will either. Of course, at the same time that they are believing in what they stand for, they also realise the importance of keeping an open mind.
They Are Willing To Listen
Nobody is perfect, and the greatest leaders realise that. When someone critiques them, their ideas, or the way they do things, they are willing to listen to their opinions. Not all critics who come along will be constructive or beneficial to your growth, but a great leader is willing to listen to everyone's ideas, whether friend or foe.
Being open to new ideas and willing to listen to other people's opinions is a great way to gain new inspiration, see things in a new light, and work through issues that you may be unable to find a solution for. Collaboration is definitely high on the to-do list of any great leader.
They Are Willing To Sacrifice
Some people think that being in the position of a leader means they are at the top of the pyramid and don't have to sacrifice anything and can bath in the credit. Instead, a great leader puts themselves at the front of the line and they are the first person willing to make sacrifices. After all, it is their idea, and they own that.
When things go wrong, they share responsibility. When things go right, they share credit. And, when push comes to shove, they are willing to stand up for themselves and everyone who has supported their ideas.
I have come to note that a great leader is truly ready to make sacrifices where needed to empower their ideas. They are willing to make hard choices that benefit not only themselves and their families, but also the people they work with who are supporting them in their venture.
They Consider The Consequences
A great leader doesn’t blindly decide things, they always sit down and consider the consequences--and potential benefits--of their big decisions. They take a calculated approach and, after studying the situation, they figure out the best path forward.
They won't always be right, but they have confidence in themselves and the choices they make in the moment. They have resilience when things go wrong and, since they considered the possibilities, they already have a backup plan or exit strategy to fix a poor decision.
Being A Great Leader
These are just some of the qualities I have noticed in the great leaders that I have had the chance to interact with through the years. I know there are many more qualities to list, but I feel these are the most essential to the success of an up-and-coming leader.
If you find yourself in a position where you feel you could be a strong leader, don’t hesitate to begin analysing your actions and situations, then find ways to embody these characteristics more often in your life. It can help you achieve a so much more in your career as well as your personal life.
● Try to take charge. When you see the opportunity to be a good leader, take it. Don’t boss, inspire those around you!
● Give others time. Remember that listening to others is very important. Give others the time to speak and the chance to lead.
● Be patient. This has more than one meaning for a great leader. Be patient with others, be patient with yourself, and be patient waiting for the results to show for the decisions you make.
Naturally, people gravitate towards others who exhibit these qualities. Embodying them can truly change your personal and professional outlook and massively impact the success you experience in the coming years.
I'm learning everyday what these inspiring leaders around me do, so that I can not only be inspired by them, but I can also learn from them.
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6 年They are giving ,serving they empower others and don’t have an ego