- Adaptable - Someone who is innovative, and can change to new strategies
- Charismatic - Ability to put their customers at ease, therefore building relationships
- Active Listeners - Ability to listen to customers pain points/Queries, seek advise from others, and to build trust with their customer
- Confidence - To believe in yourself. If you trust in your products, and services, this will come across to your client
- Persistence - Helps to complete a sales over time
- Enthusiasm - If this shines through, it will help you discuss products, with confidence, and to build further connections with customers
- Problem-Solving - Effective problem solving allows you to harness gaps, in the market place, allowing a sales person to meet demands
- Analytical Reasoning - You need to have the ability to know what Products/Services will be most profitable, and be able to adapt accordingly
- Goal Orientated - Specific Targets are set for Sales Team, so they need to understand who they are targeting, therefore meeting a clients demand
- Multi-Taskers - Good sales people are able to schedule their time to their customers, without compromising their quality of service
- Communication - Excellent Verbal, along with Written skills, are paramount. They need to be clear, and transparent at all times.