What Makes A Good Location?

What Makes A Good Location?

Selecting the right location for a film is like picking the perfect palette for a masterpiece. A good choice goes a long way...

Artistic Abodes

These are places adorned with unique sculptures, colorful murals, and contemporary designs.

TV's "Mr. Robot" found its avant-garde spirit in locations like New York's Chelsea Market.

Mr. Robot in his own atmosphere.

Commercials like thrive on the artistic vibe of such settings.

Even something as simple as a basketball gym can be used artistically.

Rustic Retreats

Think of charming cabins nestled among tall pines or farmhouses with sprawling fields.

TV's Washington, adding layers of mystery to the story.

Sometimes a little bit of rust is totally fine.

Commercials like Ford's truck ads celebrate the rugged simplicity of these locations.

Do you have a construction site with extra room for income?

Waterfront Wonders

These can transport us to idyllic settings with sandy shores, picturesque harbors, and timeless lighthouses. TV's "Outer Banks" captured the adventurous spirit of Charleston, South Carolina.

Who knew dead grass would be the perfect shot?

Volkswagen's beach-themed ads embrace the serene beauty of these coastal locales.

A pool has a million and one uses.

Be it the contemporary allure of artistic spaces, the rustic charm of retreats, or the serene beauty of waterfronts, each location weaves its magic into the story.


