What makes a good idea?

What makes a good idea?

Let's start by trying a Google Search: "What is an idea?"

Result: "A thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action"

The one thing I want to point you to here is the word "action". Because the only reason for an idea to exist is if we are acting upon it.

There's a lot of talk about how difficult it is to have ideas. I don't think that it is the case. We have ideas all the time, we just don't act on them. We think an idea must be something big, a world-changing event. But why is that?

We often disregard the small idea as not being worth it or as insignificant. But funnily enough, most people wait for their big idea and never act on anything. This way they never achieve anything. All the big ideas require many actions and because of that we never start. What is the point?

Bringing your ideas to life

The truth is that whatever your idea is, it will only come to life if you act on it. Do never underestimate the power of small ideas. If you act on it you bring it to life – and this is more than most people will ever do. Put some effort into the small things, and by doing so make them big.

If you have many small ideas, but never act on them, how will you ever trust yourself to do the big ideas? You won't! And that's why you will never get any ideas alive.

Take a piece of paper and write down all the small ideas you always throw out as not worth the effort. Every day, take one of those ideas and make it alive through actions. Your confidence level will grow every day and anyone else around will start seeing you as the person who can bring ideas alive. Sooner or later you will start tackling bigger ideas and – because of your experience with the smaller ideas – bring them to life as well.

A thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action?

That brings us to the point of good ideas. My definition of a good idea is an idea we bring alive and not just think about.

Let's do it!


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