What Makes Good ERP Software
Good enterprise resource planning software allows your business to use a range of integrated software applications. It should automate systems such as accounting, expense management, time sheeting, manufacturing, procurement, sales and inventory.
When looking for ERP software, companies need to consider the following:
All Encompassing
The "E" in ERP stands for Enterprise. In other words the system should cover everything that an enterprise should be require. The idea is that it should be all seamlessly interlinked so that, for example, something manufactured is added to inventory, a purchase is recorded as an expense and a sale is reflected as income. This way management has the ability to monitor the performance of the enterprise quickly and can make decisions quickly.
The software needs to find a balance between being flexible enough so that it can change as your company grows, and if your business procedures alter and develop, but not so flexible that a company loses its way when implementing it. A poorly implemented ERP system has the potential to bring a business to its knees.
Strategic Planning
The software must have facilities for strategic planning for your business. All aspects of the ERP software need to have this function built in to be effective. For example, look at sales/quotes in the pipeline and enable management to predict the load on the Warehouse or Manufacturing.
Your ERP consultant should be able to advise you of the automatic functions of the software. These functions can save your organisation time and money. For example, raising of invoices. A good ERP system should be able automatically to pull together everything done for a client, such as sale of product or completion of services, and raise an invoice.
Improved Control
One of the big benefits of an ERP system is improve the control management has over basic operations of the business without a huge impact on the company. It needs to provide approval processes for purchasing, bill payments, employee expenses, even raising of invoices to customers. A good ERP system makes this seamless and easy.
Reach for the Cloud!
This is important criteria when you are choosing your ERP software. Having a system that is cloud-based means that users can access it from anywhere as long as there is internet access. It also reduces IT infrastructure costs as there's no need for expensive server and network hardware and software.
As a leader in ERP software, Emsteq Systems' BiZMS software is designed so that your software is both cloud based and PC-based. We call it a “hybrid cloud” system. The system is still cloud-based but it offers the enhanced functionality of a PC-based client for power users but for casual users, the thin "web-based" client can be used.
Emsteq Systems create quality, proven ERP software that will enhance and develop your business, and integrate together seamlessly to boost productivity, efficiency and profits. We highly recommend our BiZMS software.
Emsteq Systems has recently been selected as one of the top 25 Manufacturing Solutions Providers by APAC CIO Outlook Magazine. For an obligation free consultation Contact us at Emsteq Systems.