What Makes The Collective Intelligent?
Intelligence is the capacity to make connections between ideas.
Collective intelligence has become a buzz, referring alternatively to a process using the collective to gather information and form a decision (like co-development, six thinking hats, forum, or world cafe), or the intelligence of the collective seen as the wisdom of the system. I refer to the latter. A group of people, a collective, can be intelligent or not, depending on certain conditions. What we observe expands, so let's dive deeper into what makes the collective intelligent.
What Intelligent means?
First, let's agree on a definition of intelligence. The Oxford Dictionary describes intelligence as "the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills." Merriam-Webster offers another meaning: "the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment." I understand this last definition as the capacity to observe the environment and to respond to it using elements stored in the brain, such as experience, knowledge, perception, and creativity. It is the capacity to connect the resources to the environment's challenges through a specific, adapted action.
Intelligence is applied understanding - Albert Einstein.
Knowing without action is disconnected from reality like a scholar would ramble on a topic in a vacuum. Doing without knowing is running like a headless hen without any purpose. When we apply to a situation what we know, our actions gain value and intelligence. It means we must listen, observe, and perceive the environment to understand what is required to act accordingly. In other words, we let information in through different angles to collect as much data as possible.
We allow connections between our senses, mind, intuition, experiences, thoughts, and emotions to shape an informed and adapted response. Once the system is informed, it can connect old and new elements until the fitted action emerges. This is an iterative, ongoing process, as each time a shift is made in a system, it influences the whole and changes the context to a point where it requires new information to adapt appropriately.
Can A Collective Be Intelligent?
At Carnegie Mellon, with the help of MIT, they decided to measure a group's intelligence quotient. As we face more complex challenges (climate change, technologies, science), researchers rely on collective intelligence, or, as the paper presents it, on "the ability of a group to work together and solve a range of problems that vary in complexity."
The study found that not only can they quantify collective intelligence, they can even predict it. Like any system, the whole is greater than its parts. In other words, collective IQ does not rely on the degree of individual intelligence.
What Makes A Collective Intelligent
This study follows previous research unraveling three main predictors of collective intelligence:
The Role Of A Team Coach
As a team coach, my role is equivalent to a synapse, connecting neurons to let information flow within the group. Improving connections within the team enables it to use its natural capacity to solve problems, innovate, and adapt. How?
When Do You Need A Team Coach
Four situations call for the guidance of a team coach (source: Human System Dynamics):
These patterns influence each other: the lack of structure due to chaos reinforces the spinning, leading to being stuck. The silo can drive chaos and grip the way the team work (stuck).
If you happen to know one or more patterns living in your team, please get in touch with me for a diagnosis.
Sara Bigwood
Team Coach, enabling connections within teams to accept change, adapt and innovate.