What makes an amazing PR story?
When you have a story to tell it’s not as simple as just telling it.
A strange comment you might think from a PR expert…but what I mean by this is that key to get under the skin of what makes a great story - and it’s not always what it seems.
In this recent PR we carried out for Sarah Turner, Founder of Little Beau Sheep the PR story on the table was the launch of her campaign and her winning a national competition which secured her £1K towards her total. A great win yes, a great story yes - but this wasn’t Sarah’s entire story and this is where really understanding PR can benefit you.
If we had simply sent the story about the campaign do you think Sarah would have got this double page spread feature in her leading regional newspaper? No.
Why? Because whilst it’s a success to celebrate it is a tad commercial and it’s not the kind of story that sets hearts alight.
However, add in the of why Sarah established this business and you have a whole different piece.
Layer in:-
- Sarah’s a working mum
- Her kids made her change direction in her career
- She quit a high profile high flying job to launch her ‘hobby’
- Her business was born out of personal circumstances and necessity
- She’s committed to sustainable living
- She’s connected to the region she lives in and is bringing it to life
- She sells globally from her kitchen table
- She employs other mums
- She’s an expanding business
- She’s president of the WI locally
- She’s on a mission to help reduce plastic……
THEN you have a double page spread. Jackpot!!! https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/world-flocks-to-sheep-inspired-wool-eco-idea-from-yorkshire-1-9075154
TIP: When issuing a story to the press stop to consider if you have given them the WHOLE story - or are there other elements you could add in to give your content more angles and PR hooks to excite the journalist.
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7 年Great advice! We recently launched a new U.K. franchise but had disappointing response from the press. In hindsight maybe the ‘why’ might have been the hook rather than ‘new U.K. business launched locally’ angle! Ahhhh the vagaries of the British press!