What will make you a leader?
If you want to be a leader in your company - what kind of traits/behaviors you should strengthen (practice your muscle) in order to lead?
There are many models and theories. I found that the following ones distinguish between non-leaders and real leaders:
* You have to be innovative - There are several kind of innovative tendencies: You can change the current direction of strategy which can happen now, or, you can take the strategy to a further and totally different vision which will happen in the future. Anyway, you should be creative and innovate.
BUT - if you only innovate, nothing will happen - and you need additional skills for that.
* You have to execute. This term is consisted of components which make things executable: - You should analyze the innovative idea, be realistic towards this idea and responsible. - You should be able to convince the others to partner with you and create a coalition. - You should be able to take the risks and stay in a chaotic and uncertain area. - You should trust the common potential to be able to execute. - You should make people go with you and after you. Therefore you need both ANALYTICAL, PRACTICAL and EMOTIONAL intelligence, so you can analyze and distinguish the "wheat from the chaff" + be able to execute the day2day work, solve problems on the go and change things "while running" with your team.
If you have all of them, I believe you are almost there, BUT, there is one component to be added here:
* Experience and wisdom - You should read a lot, talk to people and use your and the common wisdom in order to support your idea and validate it. You should talk to experts and listen to them, in order to make your decision and learn how would the best way to execute be.
AND since most of leaders do not have all the following qualifications at the same level, you should build the TEAM!!!