What is the main reason of all your problems, anxieties and worries ?

What is the main reason of all your problems, anxieties and worries ?

The main reason of all human problems, anxieties, depressions, and worries are expectations that you put on yourself and how Life should be, must be, how things should manifest.

Let go of expectations and you will tune into natural feeling of flow of Life itself, that will guide you in most unexpected ways, ways you usually don’t think about.

Throughout years of conditioning that is occurring in our current lifetime experience is kind of out of control we put ourselves in “ Big box” of how things should be , must be, have to be and we try to put LIFE in the same box , how LIFE should be , must me , have to be.

The problem with that is that LIFE doesn’t work this way. Life just IS when you learn how to understand your feelings and emotions how to navigate through them you connect to your heart to the deepest part of yourself that is tuned in with life , it is like you inner GPS system that will tell you exactly what to do or not to do.

For example when you set a goal you think it is logical. Well it is logical only about 5-10% the rest is spiritual , Life itself is spiritual it is spirit of life that keeps everything alive and you included.

So any goal you set up is logical and spiritual. It is about intuition in your heart mixed with skill and knowledge. When left side of the brain is communicating with the right side of the brain, your conscious mind communicates with your subconscious mind ?and your heart is coherent.

If all goals were just logical it would be very easy to achieve them you will learn 10 steps strategy apply knowledge from school or University, take actions and you will reach your goal.

?But this is not reality, and you can’t fight with reality which is LIFE itself. This is why majority of people struggle in achieving their goals and in life in general playing the role of Victims. No one wants to look inside and take responsibility for themselves.

In 1991 scientist made a discovery that every human heart has about 40,000 specialized cells configured in the way that creates neural network in the heart it has brain like cells but they are not in the brain they are in the heart and this 40,000 specialized cells are called sensory neurites, those cells think independently of cranial brain they feel and they remember independently of the cranial brain .

What does that mean?

That every experience you have in your life is memorized in your heart and in your brain. This is how you form your perceptions or beliefs that are based on feelings never on logic. So then if you have trauma, doesn’t need to be a big one , can be just day to day anger, frustration, sadness , guilt, shame that is carried from your childhood it is registered in two places and if you try to overcome your trauma just with your positive thinking it can never work!

You need to get your heart back to coherence.

So in a sense you can have false positive feeling for example of getting pay raise, or good job or even about your relationship, something you want, we can also call it “Positive Thinking”. So you have this false positive feeling and things don’t go your way and then you keep controlling more, forcing more, trying harder more , manipulating more and this is how you are getting yourself into trouble.

Or you may just create another false believe what I want is not available to me I’m going to convince myself I’m just happy.

So what do you need do ?

?What you need to do is to explore your FEAR under that false positive feeling and thinking , because under that FEAR that you are masking with positive feeling and thinking you will find what you want and it may not even be exactly what you want , you may find that it is not even what you want , but you will find what you really want , the hidden truth of your deepest dreams and desires.

So when you let go that fear you can than create genuine from your heart positive feeling of true love and true inspiration.

This was example how people getting trapped in so called positive thinking in other words if you let go of expectations of how things should be and let LIFE guide you you will get exactly what you need and what you want for that moment in your life. ?You will open yourself to whatever comes to fulfill your desires and your goals.

This means completely letting go of control and letting LIFE guide you. I want to emphasize here it is not about sitting on the sofa and day dreaming, you need to take action but without force , you are getting your answers from your heart in LOVE with your life .

Feelings and emotions are playing huge role in our life’s and we are coming to the time that without understanding how to navigate through our emotions, without understanding who we are in our hearts , we ?will have very miserable life! ?And I think we can see it!!??

Let’s explore more on confidence:

Confidence is a belief, and beliefs are based on feelings stored in our hearts. So if you are confident both in your head and most importantly in your heart you know yourself, you love yourself, you trust yourself and you inspire yourself. You don’t need approval from others or reassurance from others.

This way you will attract to yourself everything you want. May not be in the way you think. And in my personal experience it is almost never in the way I think (this is why it is so crucial to let go of control!! )

Confidence that is in your heart will keep you going, you won’t need to control, manipulate, push , predict , you just KNOW it will come your way.

Confidence that is only in your head will vanish doubt and worry and fear will creep in ??

So good question to ask is What it is exactly Am I afraid of? and then ask:

Who I would be without my story, my parents , my country of birth ? and you will get in touch with deeper part of yourself with your heart with your soul that is unattached doesn’t matter what you have been through , you will get in touch with your intrinsic values that are unique only to you ??

See you haven’t been born with all you should, musts, have to, this is something you learned. There is nothing wrong with that you can live by someone else’s must and should but this way of living you limit yourself to get to know yourself on a deeper level and experience life in true LOVE and JOY.

You can learn how to stand up to all yours should, must, have to and connect to your heart where LOVE and Inspiration resides.

See, since I was a child, I was not good with all the must and should I was always feeling something was off and refusing to follow what majority of people were doing now I understand why.

Remember that meaning of everything is the meaning you give it. You are who you say you are and your experience in life is what you say it is.

The question is are you conscious of your life experience?

Majority of people are sleep walking, and don’t know that it is their emotions from the past that are doing their thinking for them which is 95% of your thinking and usually if you don’t understand Emotional Intelligence and feelings they are survival emotions of FEAR, Shame, guilt list goes on .

You are only one thought away form your happiness and you are only one thought away from your sadness. That’s how powerful you are you can choose to think only what you want to experience, and you can choose to say only what you want to make real. Understanding this is very important.

Your thoughts create your reality. And if you are unconscious of your emotional reactions they are not even your thoughts ?? . Every time you think a thought your brain produce chemical called emotion which are also in your blood , this chemical is stored in your body and if you don’t know how to understand those emotions and release them , those stored emotions in your body energetic centers will cause you to think exactly the same way and you are getting caught up in a loop of felling and thinking and again feeling and thinking in exactly the same way.

After years of living in exactly the same way it become familiar normal environment. Your false identity.

Majority of people have false unbalanced perceptions and think they can run away from their fears and insecurities the truth is you can’t because LIFE itself will always bring to your life people and situations that will be pushing your emotional buttons until you balance your perception, open your heart where true LOVE lives which is unity of all polarities, of all opposites so called good and bad experiences.


As you can see if you want to change your life you need to learn about yourself, you need to know yourself and your emotions, true feelings are in your heart, you will never trust yourselfer and love yourself ?if you don’t know yourself.

Book a free call with me, one question can change the course of your life ??

I love this, it is amazing how many people change who they are for others. If you let go of others' expectations life is so much happier.


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