What are the main challenges for developer programs?
The Developer Program Leaders survey asks adn will answer questions like this.

What are the main challenges for developer programs?

It’s that time of the year again! The time when we run the Developer Program Leaders survey to hear from those who work with developer programs.

It's a community effort!

The goal??

To understand the challenges developer program managers face, how they prioritise their resources and activities and offer insights into how they compare against other professionals in the field.

Interested already? You’ll need ±8 minutes. Take the survey

Who can participate?

We’re looking for professionals who are working in or with developer programs.?This includes professionals in the following roles:

  • Developer relations practitioner
  • Developer marketing practitioner
  • Developer product architect/engineer
  • Community manager
  • VP/director/manager of a developer program
  • Analyst / analyst relations / research manager
  • Product management
  • General marketing (non-developer specific)
  • General management (CxO/VP/director/founder)
  • …and more

What do participants gain?

Those who will take the survey will gain:

  • Unlimited access to the survey results with a report that illustrates the highlights and key graphs
  • All findings will be discussed in an interactive session where our research analysts and the DevRelX community will come together to discuss – Are you a DevRelX member? Join our community here!
  • A chance to win exclusive DevRelX swag.
  • You become involved in a collective effort to understand and improve how your peers work and set their strategy

What types of questions does this survey ask?

  • Which regional markets does your strategy target?
  • Which resources take most of your budget?
  • What are the main challenges for your Developer Relations efforts this year?
  • Do you segment your developer audience? How?

Here are some results from the previous survey wave.?

By responding you will gain access to more insights like these.

Do you want to help professionals elevate their DevRel game? Have your say!

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Community sizes
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Role distribution of professionals in developer programs
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The importance of community in developer-facing strategy



