What Made Your Reading/Listening Lists: Podcasts/ Book suggestions

What Made Your Reading/Listening Lists: Podcasts/ Book suggestions

Hi Friends,

How you doing? It's 1 January 2024, today. It's a new year and here's to new beginnings. But, first of all here's a very Happy New Year to you all.

So, how did you all spend your Christmas? Curled up in the blankets, sipping a cup of hot chocolate or that boozy wine, near the fireplace? Or celebrating with friends or family? Well, that's probably how most of the world celebrated Christmas and maybe some parts of India too.

But, if I had tried curling up in the blankets I would have ended up like a overbaked cake in an Oven, courtesy the weather where I am at.

And now let's get on with a rundown of my last month, shall we?

This is how I spend part of my vacation time.

Here are the books that made my list for November-December reads in 2023

  1. Rebel Sultans by Manu.S.Pillai
  2. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
  3. Game of Thrones by George.R.R.Martin

Aah! Yes, I do multi-read often. Maybe not always, but mostly.

Now, my 2022-2023 was pretty challenging and December 2023 was particularly fruitful. I started a podcast on Poetry. If you are someone who wants a bit of calm, quiet and conversations around poetry, you might want to listen to this,


<a href="

And talking of my new found love of podcasts, these are some that I particularly found interesting. The first one because I was part of it as well and the discussion was insightful:

1) The podcast Productivity league on topic "Content Lead Growth" by We360.ai

2) Everyone Hates Marketers | No-BS Marketing & Brand Strategy Podcast by Louis Grenier

And nothing can beat this one,

3) The GaryVee Audio Experience by Gary Vaynerchuk

And outside of marketing if you are a history buff, you might want to check this one out.

4) The History of India Podcast |Kit Patrick

And to top it all, do you want to know the one show that made my list to surely watch?

No, its not Emily in Paris. Though that's also a good show. But, here is my recommendation of top show to watch.

The legacy that Mad Men leaves in the advertising world is everlasting. Despite its portrayal of a bygone 1960s era, the show's marketing strategies resonate with a timeless and human touch, offering inspiration that transcends the passage of years.

So, here's a clip from this classic show for you all to enjoy.

Episode: Season 1, Episode 13-The Carousel Pitch Scene

And why is this scene particularly iconic? Here is a rundown on it.

Emotional Resonance:

  • Don taps into universal nostalgia.
  • Recognizes people invest in emotions and memories.
  • Showcases family moments for emotional impact.

Storytelling Mastery:

  • Moves beyond technical details.
  • Crafts a compelling narrative on connection and time.
  • "Carousel" term adds depth and circularity.

Visual and Verbal Harmony:

  • Seamless synchronization of visuals and words.
  • Carousel imagery reinforces the passage of time.
  • Enhances overall impact of the pitch.


  • Don shares personal family photos and experiences.
  • Creates genuine connection with the audience.
  • Stands out for its sincerity in an industry often associated with artifice.

Branding Excellence:

  • Tagline: "Nostalgia: It's delicate, but potent.
  • "Sells not just the product but the associated emotion.
  • Elevates the brand to a keeper of cherished memories.

Finally, before signing off, here is what I found useful and you might too!

Since, its just after New Year's and everyone is about to get back to work fully charged, I couldn't think of anything better to share with you.

My Top Picks for Tips for Work-Life Harmony

  • Prioritize Your Priorities: Identify key tasks and focus on what truly matters.
  • Time Block like a Pro: Allocate dedicated time for work, leisure, and self-care.
  • Energize Your Breaks: Incorporate short, rejuvenating breaks to boost productivity.
  • Tech Detox: Unplug from devices during non-work hours for a digital breather.
  • Celebrate Wins: Acknowledge achievements, big or small, for a positive mindset.
  • Move That Body: Incorporate exercise to recharge your physical and mental energy.
  • Plan Your Downtime: Schedule personal activities to ensure a well-rounded life.

Are you ready to embrace a balanced life? Then dive into these actionable tips now!

Ciao Till Next Time,

Vidya Gopinath

Image by <a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/elevated-view-blank-book-with-pen-cellphone-earphone-wooden-table_2978621.htm#query=podcasts%20books%20free%20to%20use%20images%20no%20attribution&position=0&from_view=search&track=ais&uuid=6b522a1c-983d-41a1-9464-76d36513b7c7">Freepik</a>


