What is Love?!
The post is part of the conversation in Empathy Circle Club in Clubhouse. Please join the club for weekly interactions on Saturday, 8 pm (GMT+8) on topics related to you and your understanding of self and others – Empathy.
Today’s was an interesting and thought-provoking topic. Today was a little interesting by an intrusion by an anonymous joinee who just wanted to state his point and immediately disappear. Once I identify him, I searched?how to block him.
Love is unconditional. Love is based on trust. Love is when someone cares for your growth and happiness. Love and attraction are separable easily. Love is as per each, nothing right or wrong. Love is not possessive. When you find any transaction, the love is not there. Wow, that was a lot to grasp and understand. This was summed by Goke, Love is un-understandable. We all agreed with Goke.
A lot of questions came in pouring. What is the role of love in a marriage? If love can support a relationship, why do people insist on the knot? Does love have an expiry time?
What is your meaning of love? Write in the comments.