What if?
Louise Bedford - ??? Host of Talking Trading podcast
Louise, the Money Chick, is a best-selling author of six sharemarket books, behavioural finance expert & authority on candlestick charting.
In your imagination, I know that a magic day awaits you where everything will fall into place, and you’ll finally be ready to learn about how to trade professionally.
But what if, this is as close to being ready that you’ll ever actually be?
What if, the seed of your biggest regret is that when you look back, you see so much wasted time waiting... waiting to have the space to learn, and waiting to be better?
Louise, this is it.
This is the one slot of time time you have - the present moment.
Today is the day.
Every day is the day.
Put your hand on your chest and feel that heartbeat pulsing through your body.
That’s all you need to be ready.
Take that first step and register for Priority Notification for our very next Mentor Program.
Your future self will thank you.
After 3 solid decades in the front line of the markets and as a best-selling author and co-founder of the Mentor Program over 2 decades ago, - I can spot the mistakes you’re making in your trading in seconds…
…and have a damn good fix ready within the next minute.
Often it’s not the problems you see that are critical. It’s the ones that plunge in from left field, just out of your line of sight, and sweep your legs out from under you, leaving you flailing on the ground.
Before you know it, you’re like a newborn baby deer, trying to find safe ground, and staggering around like a drunk teenager on a Saturday night.
No-one wants that.
You have that image of yourself as a James-Bond’esque type of trader… or maybe Superman – capable of leaping tall buildings (and trades) in a single bound.
Yes, inside, you know you haven’t got all the answers.
Because things are fast out there in the trading world. You can’t keep your finger on every pulse.
That’s where we come in.
Chris Tate and I are your shortcut.
We’ll shine a light into your blind spots and get you galloping racehorse-style towards your goals.
If you haven’t yet registered for Priority Notification for our up and coming Mentor Program, what’s holding you back?
You’re going to want ‘in’. Get it done.
Yes, things do seem more uncertain.
Our parents had a job for 45+ years.
We can’t rely on an employer and it’s impossible to save your way to financial serenity.
But striving against change is like trying to blow away the wind. Futile, impossible, and likely to drop you into misery.
Make peace with the changes happening around you. You can control the things you can control, and the faster you adjust to the things you can’t, the more likely you’ll end up on top.
In this month's newsletter:
- 7 Quirky Facts About Traders
- Trading Difficulties
- Favourite Sayings
- In The Press
- Talking Trading
- Final Thoughts
7 Quirky Facts About Traders
Louise Bedford
Trading Difficulties
Louise Bedford
As traders, we all hit a wall from time to time. It’s inevitable with any developed skill.
I asked some past graduates of our Mentor Program for their views on this, and this is what they said:
Louise with Peter Hunt and Mark Bull
Mark Bull: “One of the biggest difficulties I have faced is thinking or believing I knew what was going to happen next.
"This was something that crept into my thinking at a subconscious level."
Peter Hunt adds: "And what happens when it doesn't, and you end up having to take many strings of losses - even if they are small losses - viz death of a thousand cuts. I remind myself that it's a numbers game and to think in probabilities.
"This is but one of many thousands of trades I hope to be making over my trading career.
"I trust in risk management and strictly adhering to my Stops - which will allow you to play another day."
Sound advice from a couple of my favourite traders.
Favourite Sayings
Louise Bedford
"As habit is more dependable than inspiration, continued learning is more dependable than talent.” - Octavia Butler, “Furor Scribendi,” Bloodchild and Other Stories.
"An expert is a person who has found out by painful experience all the mistakes that one can make in a very narrow field." - Physicist, Niels Bohr
"I’ve always had the view that how successful you are is really a function of how you cope with failure. If you cope with failure well and you persist, you have a high probability of being successful." - Bill Ackman
In The Press
Hot Or Not?
On our In The Press page, you’ll love this macro view about what’s happening in the markets.
James Whelan from The BIP Show podcast and Louise Bedford discuss the 3 Hot Sectors likely to lead the next bull run, and 3 Cold Sectors that you must stay away from.
Talking Trading
Escape the Rat Race
Mark Stowers and Louise Bedford talk about how to down-regulate emotions while trading. Chill the heck out and cope with criticism, conflicting mind scripts and the volatility of the markets.
The Power of ‘No’
How to build your confidence and take on new challenges. Listen to this episode and develop the confidence you need to excel in trading.
Final Thoughts
Louise Bedford
I love this:
"When a man's mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, it doesn't ever shrink back to its former dimensions." – Oliver Wendell Holmes
Trading is like that.
Once this really gets into your core, everything will be seen in a new light.
Do you cut your losses, or hold on?
Is your marriage about to do a V-reversal on heavy volume – or is this just a dead cat bounce?
Oooh yes – everything will become simpler because you’ll develop a ‘trading plan’ to get you through the bumpy patches, and work out when to pyramid your own happiness as well. You’ll no longer be bothered by the usual upsets others experience, because you will have pre-thought how to handle these issues.
Mark my words, this is your future… if you want it to be.
Louise Bedford