What to Look for in a Solar Panel
OutputSolar panels measure the energy they can produce in watt-hours, or the amount of energy it takes to use one watt for one hour. The higher the number, the more energy a single solar panel can provide on average per day.
Panel TypeThere are two main types of solar panels: monocrystalline and polycrystalline. Monocrystalline panels are made up of a single crystal, which makes them both more efficient and more expensive. You'll need more polycrystalline panels to generate the same amount of energy as monocrystalline panels, something to take into consideration before opting for cheaper panels, especially if you'll need to power large appliances.
Panel SizeWhen you're setting up multiple panels, take each panel's size into account when you're considering how efficient your space will be. Solar panels aren't all one standard size, so you'll need to do some math to consider which panel gives you the most bang for your buck...and your square inch!