What to look out for this Parliamentary sitting week #auspol

What to look out for this Parliamentary sitting week #auspol

The House will return on Monday 24 May 2021 for the first sitting week of the sitting fortnight.

The main focus for the government this week will be passing measures announced in the recent budget. 

Other topics listed for debate include data regulation, higher education and superannuation.

Also starting today, the Senate will conduct Senate Estimates hearings over the next fortnight. Senate Estimates are inquiries by the various Senate Legislation Committees into the Appropriation Bills and related Budget papers.

Government departments and agencies are allocated to specific Committees and appear before Senate Estimates to answer questions on the expenditure of government funds.

A schedule of estimates hearings, which includes the allocation of department and agencies is available here.

House of Representatives:


Monday will begin with resumed debate on:

  • Appropriation Bills (1 and 2), these bills provide government funding to run ordinary services.
  • Treasury Laws Amendment (Your Future, Your Super): This package contains regulations to define a ‘stapled fund’ and will rollout tie-breaker rules for determining which fund is to be an employee’s stapled fund in instances where an employee has multiple. The package will also prescribe new rules for how portfolio holdings should be disclosed to members.


Tuesday morning will focus on a range of higher education measures:

On Tuesday afternoon, the House will turn to matters of treasury, with debate on:


Wednesday will begin with resumed debate on:


  • Thursday will begin with debate on the Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (2021 Measures No. 1) seeks to amend the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 to implement a range of new measures including: reducing the expenditure required by subscription television broadcasting licensees on new eligible drama expenditure from 10 per cent to 5 per cent and removes the requirement that all frequency channels allotted or reserved in a digital radio channel plan be within the same frequency band.
  • This will be followed by The Special Recreational Vessels Amendment. The purpose of the Bill is to amend the Special Recreational Vessels Act 2019 (SRV Act) to extend the repeal date in section 17 of the Act from 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2023. The SRV Act was enacted to allow special recreational vessels (also known as superyachts) to opt into the Coastal Trading (Revitalising Australian Shipping) Act 2012 (Coastal Trading Act) so they could operate charters in Australia.
  • The final bill to be debated this week will be The Work Health and Safety Amendment (Norfolk Island) Bill 2021 (the Bill). This Bill seeks to clarify the operation of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (the WHS Act) in relation to the Commonwealth’s undertakings on Norfolk Island.



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