What to look out for this Parliamentary Sitting Week

What to look out for this Parliamentary Sitting Week


Both the Senate and the House will return on the 21st of November for the second last sitting week of 2022.?

Key issues list debated this week include revisions to trade legislation to implement Australia’s obligations under trade deals with India and the United Kingdom. There is also a focus towards climate action with bills relating to high-speed rail implementation, electric vehicles, and the depletion of the ozone layer being considered.??

A key feature of the week will be debate on the Albanese Government’s National Anti-Corruption Commission, with it scheduled for debate on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.???

House of Representatives?

Monday, 21 November?

On Monday, the House of Representatives will debate several customs and tariff amendments, with debate resuming at noon.?

Tuesday, 22 November?

The House resumes debate at noon on Tuesday, with debate on the National Anti-Corruption Commission dominating the day’s proceedings.?

  • The Albanese Government’s National Anti-Corruption Commission and its associated National Anti-Corruption Commission (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill. These Bills will take up most of the House’s time on Tuesday and Wednesday and are even scheduled to be considered on Thursday. The Bills establish the National Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate and report on serious or systemic corruption in the Commonwealth public sector, refer evidence of criminal corrupt conduct for prosecution and undertake education and prevention activities regarding corruption.?
  • The House will also consider the Crimes Amendment (Penalty Unit) Bill 2022 for its second reading. The Bill increases the amount of the Commonwealth penalty unit from $222 to $275, with effect from 1 January 2023.?

Wednesday, 23 November?

The House of Representatives meets for the introduction of Bills and resumption of debate at 9:30am Wednesday morning. The House will continue debate on the National Anti-Corruption Commission and Crimes Amendment (Penalty Unit) Bills.?

Thursday, 24 November?

The House of Representatives meets for the introduction of Bills and resumption of debate at 9:30am Thursday morning. The House will continue debate on the National Anti-Corruption Commission and Crimes Amendment (Penalty Unit) Bills, before moving on to the following scheduled Bills.?



Monday, 21 November?

Tuesday, 22 November?

Wednesday, 23 November?

Thursday, 24 November?


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