What is load line survey and load line certificate?
Capt Sharad Upadhaya
Master Mariner(F.G),Marine Superintendent,Creator founder Of DIGINAV.Maritime Trainer for OOW,Chief mate & Master.Author of website Deck Orals Prep
The load line survey, also known as a Load Line Certificate survey is a type of survey conducted on ships to determine and verify their compliance with the International Convention on Load Lines (ICLL). The load line survey ensures that the ship meets the required standards for buoyancy, stability, and safety by establishing the ship's freeboard marks.
The International Convention on Load Lines establishes rules and regulations for determining the minimum freeboard of ships based on their type, size, construction, and intended operations. Freeboard refers to the vertical distance between the waterline and the uppermost continuous deck exposed to weather.
During a load line survey, a qualified surveyor, often appointed by the ship's classification society, inspects the ship's structure, stability calculations, and documentation to assess its compliance with the load line requirements. The survey includes the following key aspects:
Upon successful completion of the load line survey, a Load Line Certificate is issued to the ship, confirming its compliance with the load line regulations. The Load Line Certificate specifies the ship's load line zones, marks, and other relevant information.
Load line surveys are conducted periodically, typically every five years, or whenever there are significant modifications or alterations to the ship that could affect its stability or load line compliance. These surveys help ensure the safety and seaworthiness of the ship by determining its proper loading limits and maintaining adequate reserve buoyancy to withstand various operating conditions and environments.