What is a LIMS?
The fictional pirate Captain Jack Sparrow once said, “Wherever we want to go, we go. That’s what a ship is, you know. It’s not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails. That’s what a ship needs. But what a ship is…what the Black Pearl really is…is freedom.”
Similar sentiments can be expressed about LIMS. A LIMS is not just a piece of software with features, functions, specifications, and tests. That’s what a LIMS needs to store and digest information and to function properly. But what a LIMS really is… is a tool that can help you attain the freedom to reach your scientific and business goals.??
The versatility of a LIMS allows it to be used in many types of labs such as QA/QC, R&D, Forensics, Environmental, Contract Testing, etc. Because each type of lab operates differently and has different goals, the LIMS will also be really different in each one. Broken out below are some examples of what a LIMS really can be in QA/QC and R&D labs