What are Limiting emotions?? Transform your Limiting Emotions
Chandrasekhar Pulamarasetti
Founder of Buddha-CEO Quantum Foundation, a successful entrepreneur, former Vice President at IBM Corporation, Meditation coach, and board member /advisor of Pyramid Valley International, Quantum Life University & other.
"Transforming Limiting Emotions for Greater Manifestations"
Emotional vibration is fundamental to manifestation. Feelings and emotions that are sustained by us attract similar outcomes in our life. We are all creators and when we meditate we become more conscious of how we are creating our life.
As said by the great master Bashar, "Waiting for the circumstances to change so that we feel good is like looking at our self in the mirror and thinking we will feel good only when the reflection in the mirror smiles".
Our thoughts create our reality." YadbhavamTadbhavati". Higher quality thoughts create higher realities. Dense and lower thoughts create lower realities. Our emotions follow the thought process. Happy and positive thoughts create happy and positive emotions where as sad and negative thoughts create sad and negative emotions. Emotion is nothing but energy which is set in motion. When an emotion arises in us, our body starts resonating to the frequency of that emotion.
Meditation helps in filling the gap between what we want to create in our life and what we have created in our life. Behind every emotion, there is a thought associated which we need to identify and flip that thought from a limiting belief to a constructive thought. As per the research and studies by Dr. David R. Hawkins, we all vibrate at different frequencies. Lower emotions have lower frequencies. Elevated emotions have higher frequencies. Emotions like Guilt, Shame and Pride have lower frequencies. We need to change them to Gratitude, Power of Love and Service (GPS) which have higher frequencies.
There are seven kind of emotional mirrors broadly.
1. Poor Self image (Low self-esteem, Lack of self-confidence, People with shame and masking):
This mirror shows us the feelings of inadequacy. Such feelings automatically attract inadequacy in our life. We are the creators of our own life. Whatever we feel about our own self and whatever image we have about our own self, sets the tone for our conscious creation. This is very important to manifest new realities. We need to honor our self as we are part of the creation as well.
2. Guilt (Fear of causing pain to others, fear of making mistakes):
This mirror reveals the fear that our actions may hurt others. This causes people to believe that when they have more, they are depriving someone else. This works against the flow of abundance into our life. We need to transform the guilt energy to the energy of compassion and drop carrying the guilt from the past.
3. Loss (Fear of losing, fear of failure):
This mirror reflects the fear of losing. Due to this, people always take actions with an underlying fear of losing. In turn, the fear manifests and creates lack in our life. There is no failure on the path of spirituality. Every failure is a reminder to expand our consciousness. We need to transform the failure energy to be a stepping stone to abundance.
4. Lack (Fear of not having enough):
This mirror shows the belief that there is not enough in the world for everyone. Wherever they look, they notice lack. As a result they perpetuate lack in their lives. But in reality there is abundance for everyone. Every human being is abundant.
5. Mistrust (Fear of being betrayed):
This mirror reveals the lack of trust. Due to this fear, people tend to lose it even if they get the trust. This is the most important aspect .. to launch our self in new ways, even if betrayed in the past. The past is gone and the new energy of trust creates a higher octave energy.
6. Victim consciousness (Fear of being victimized):
This indicates the fear of being victimized and results in the person being victimized when it comes to receiving abundance. We need to drop the feelings of being puppet in the hands of fate. We all are very unique beings. We all have the freewill to choose our thoughts to create our life.
7. Separation (Fear of losing one's identity):
This is very important and subtle mirror and it often goes unnoticed as it is camouflaged under loyalty, patriotism etc. The illusion of separateness negates the universal principle of oneness and narrows down the possibilities of attracting abundance in life. We all are same. We all have the same essence of the consciousness and creating a beautiful paradise on this earth with the collective consciousness.
Regular practice of meditation helps us to become self-aware and provides us the ability to take a positive action to transform these limiting emotions. As we become mindful of our limiting emotions, we transform the inner image of these limiting emotions to a beautiful image which changes the energy drastically. The limiting beliefs just teach us that we all have the potential to change our lives. We gain the strength to realize that potential with regularity in meditation.
Best Wishes
Chandra Pulamarasetti
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