If you’ve been a fan of the Lamborghini brand, you are more than familiar with their deep history in the automotive world.?

Ever since their debut back in 1963, Ferruccio Lamborghini has shocked the world with his cars that have become the most sought-after vehicles across the globe.?

As a child, I remember when my parents would take me to school and on errands and when we would go out to various places.

Every now and then, we would end up passing by the exotic car dealerships. Not just the Lamborghini dealerships, but the Maseratis, the Ferraris, Bentleys, Rolls Royce, and all the other exotic brands on the market.

Just like any other teenager who would see these cars, I grew an internal fascination for them. But my personal fascination wasn’t because these cars were fast, nor because they were stylish either. I saw these cars as works of art. Absolute masterpieces when it came down to the mechanical engineering of vehicles.?

Plus with how they were styled compared to other brands from other automotive manufacturers, my heart grew a fondness for these vehicles.

Just like many other people growing up, I hoped that one day in the future, owning a car like the ones at these dealerships could hopefully become a part of my reality.

Yet, just like how so many people in life become dreamers, I didn’t necessarily have a plan to own one of these when I was just a teenager, living in China.

I knew that in China, there weren’t many opportunities for me to pursue what I wanted to do for a living. I always had dreams of getting into bioengineering, but I didn’t see it as something I could truly achieve living in China. So when I was young, I asked my parents if they could help me move to America so I could learn how to get into this career at one of their colleges.

At the time, I didn’t understand English nearly as well as I do now. My vocabulary was extremely limited to the very basics. But through research, I had found a high school and a college in a state called Ohio that I wanted to go to. I even found a family that would take me in.?

Then I asked my parents if they would let me go.

They were extremely hesitant at first, but after much persuading, they helped me make my move to America.?

I would love to say that this transition was a culture shock, but it was so much more than that. I didn’t know any English, so fitting in was much more difficult than I thought it would be. Plus, communicating with the family that took me in was extremely difficult.

Luckily, the family who took me in was kind enough to take me to my high school and drive me around, so I didn’t need a car at this time. They also helped me apply to college and I found a local one where I could live in the dorm rooms to study what I always dreamed of becoming, a bioengineer.?

When living at the dorms, I realized that transportation would be a bit more difficult, so I ended up getting a Honda Accord. I had dreams to one day invent products that would make life more sustainable on earth. One of my early ideas was to create a garbage can that would recycle compost in the trashcan itself (someone else has already created this, so don’t think this is your next big idea to make billions).?

While I was in college, however, I began to realize that life in America was a lot more expensive than it seemed to be. Without having a family making meals for you or paying for your daily necessities, then having to pay for a dorm room on top of that, I realized there was a need to make money. And if I was going to have risked absolutely everything to have moved from my home country to the supposed land of opportunity, I was going to do whatever it took to do my best at whatever career choice I made.

The problem was that it was going to take me years to actually get my degree.?

And I had to start making money immediately.

I just didn’t know what was going to yield the highest returns, so I turned to the internet to see what most people who were wealthy were doing.

The first thing I came across was real estate. However, due to my lack of understanding of the English language and the complexities within the contracts for real estate, it was too far over my head to pursue. So I nixed that plan.

The second thing I came across was the stock market. After a basic introduction to it, I realized stocks were just numbers and graphs, with some human psychology behind them.?

Numbers are universal. Graphs are universal. That was something that I could potentially pursue, without really needing to improve upon my English (which I did do later, by taking lessons with a tutor so that my life in America could be much more comfortable).?

I won’t bore you with the details, but I got obsessed with the stock market. I worked overnight at a job at the dorms and studied every single little detail about the stock market my entire shift. In the daytime, I printed every single graph I could about stocks and hung them all over my dorm room.?

I read books, took courses, and absorbed every single piece of information that I could find on the stock market from any source that was available.?But in engineering school, you learn that you need to test models to see whether or not they work, how often they work, whether or not they are reliable, or if they’re full of fluff.

So I took this approach and put every single strategy I was taught into an excel spreadsheet, backed it with historical data, then backtested the models through enough data to figure out what the percentages of each strategy’s win ratios were, backed with what their average of returns was.

Almost every single strategy I came across had a 50% or less success ratio.?

And they were only getting 10-20% returns on their investments.?

There was no way in the world someone could make a living, let alone a comfortable lifestyle, by gambling with these strategies.

However, I did come across just a few strategies that did work.?

And for the ones that did, I tested, refined, and improved those strategies.

Nowadays, I only trade strategies that have over a 65% success ratio with an average rate of return of 25-35%.

And these are the ones I teach to my students.

I mean it’s absolutely impossible for a day trader to never take a loss.?

I’ve taken many losses myself. But I’ve also averaged many more wins.?

For my first seven years of day trading, I spent the entire first year studying everything I could and paper trading. Once I started to actively trade in my second year, I started with $27,000. I lost half my money in my first month of trading and asked my friend if I could borrow the money I lost and put my Honda Accord up for collateral.?

He let me do it. Luckily, in the next 3 months, I made $900,000 through day trading.

By the end of my sixth year, December 31, 2022, I had pulled in $11 million through day trading, which I have verified through sites like Kinfo.?

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Don’t get me wrong. This success is not easily achievable. Look at how many people are losing money in the stock market. In fact, it’s about?94% of people who lose money their first year in the stock market.?

Through these seven years, I had a lot of opportunities to buy a lot of cars that I drove by the dealerships of as a teenager. And don’t get me wrong. With how Instagram culture has grown throughout the past decade, it has only fueled those desires to own these cars even more, when I actually hit the income to be able to afford some commodities.

I went from being taken around by my family, to being taken around by the family I moved in with in Ohio, to driving a Honda Accord in college.?

When I first started earning profits through trading, I got myself an Audi A5. It was a great car, but with how the markets were moving and how much I was earning from day trading, I decided I wanted to feel what it was like to own the cars from those dealerships I drove by.



Going from an Audi A5 to a McLaren 570S was an absolute thrill. It was so amazing to be able to buy an exotic car. I personally chose the McLaren because it was the cheapest entry point vehicle into the exotic car market.?

I loved this vehicle and owned it for years until I let it go.?

While I owned this car, I decided to get a few other cars, however.

I upgraded my daily driver, the Audi A5, to a Mercedes Benz E450, which isn’t too impressive. However, I enjoyed driving the Mercedes much better than the Audi.?

Then I went on to buy a Ferrari 488.?

After the Ferrari, I also picked up my first Lamborghini Huracan.

Aside from the excitement of being able to drive an exotic car for the very first time with the McLaren, owning a Lamborghini took my exotic car experience to the next level.?

The Lamborghini has driven and handled like no other car before it. However, as time goes by, you start to lose the excitement that you once had when you first start driving an exotic vehicle.?

Nonetheless, when the Aventador came out, I knew I needed to get the top-of-the-line model.


Now I know you’re probably here to hear more about the Aventador in particular, but I want to make sure I keep the timeline intact. I traded in the E450 Benz for a Mercedes Benz S580, which I still own to this day. Then after that, I knew I needed to make sure I upgraded my Huracan to the top-of-the-line Lamborghini model, the Aventador.


The SVJ in particular wasn’t released until 2018.?

The SVJ is the most sought-after Lamborghini to exist and is the absolute flagship, top-of-the-line model of Lamborghini to exist in the world, with only 900 units being available across the world.?

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The Lamborghini Aventador SVJ is the number one most powerful street-legal car in the world—and probably the most iconic supercar to have been released by the house of Lamborghini.?

What this means is that this car was designed for the track. It wasn’t meant to be a car to be driven on the streets. However, Lamborghini’s engineers and their team did every single thing that they could possibly do to this vehicle to ensure that it would?barely?meet the street legal requirements.

That means when it comes to the Lamborghini brand, this is the most desired car for anyone who is absolutely looking for a track-ready car that can be driven on the streets. The waitlists for these vehicles are usually pretty ridiculous, with most owners waiting for over a year to receive theirs from their respective dealership.

It’s an absolute masterpiece that’s the perfect blend of cutting-edge technology with beautiful design and gives car enthusiasts that elusive thrill of driving.

The SVJ in its name stands for Super Veloce Jota. Super Veloce (which is Italian for Super Fast) has been a term used for the fastest cars of each generation.?

Jota is Spanish for the letter J (and denotes the FIA’s Appendix J for street-legal race cars).?

The Aventador SVJ goes from 0-60 in 2.7 seconds which, compared to the Huracan, is just .5 seconds faster. It’s not that much of a difference between the top-of-the-line Lamborghini to the Huracan.??

However, when we think about the aerodynamics of the vehicle, this car is designed where each and every single detail of the vehicle is meticulously designed so the driver has the ultimate experience when accelerating and maneuvering with the vehicle.?

For example, whether you’re looking to quickly accelerate or to make a sharp turn at a light, the car adjusts the airflow at the various speeds you’re traveling at, to either reduce drag or increase downforce (such as the exhaust at the back of the car).?

The design aspect of the vehicle resembles that of a fighter jet and the engine sounds like one too (which can be quite troublesome if you’re taking your girlfriend around).?

Most people think of a spoiler as just being a wing that sits on the rear of the vehicle to improve the airflow of the vehicle so it could maneuver better. The rear wing of the SVJ isn’t priced in the thousands for a replacement part like any other spoiler, however.?

This part of the vehicle alone costs over five figures.?

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There’s a reason for that. From inside the vehicle, you can actually press a button that lets you have full control over how you want your spoiler to perform, giving you the ability to have active aerodynamics.

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Depending on whether you’re on a track, in a canyon, or doing regular street driving, you can adjust your rear spoiler to open or close electronically for the type of situation you’re in, so you can get the maximum downforce for the vehicle—or if you want a smooth ride, you can adjust accordingly.

The naturally aspirated V12 engine has vents on the sides that allow heat to come off the engine with a piece of glass down the middle that sort of expands itself into an air intake system at the base.?

Opening the engine also needs a separate key.?

The side of the car also has air intake vents and compared to the other exotic cars I’ve owned, the SVJ’s are significantly larger than the cars I’ve driven before it. These small design features set it apart from any other car.?

Unlike the base model Aventador, the side skirts and the mirrors on this model are made out of carbon fiber, which reduces the weight of this particular model over the base.?

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Plus it gives it a nice clean look. On top of that, the front splitter is also much bolder than the one in the base model Aventador.

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Moving on from the outside of the car, let’s talk about getting into the car…?

Just like any other Lamborghini, the doors on this vehicle aren’t that much different.?

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There’s not too much special going on here.

A few downsides, however. There’s no storage space and there isn’t even a glove box. The brand tries to make up for it by leaving you a coat hook on each of the doors so you can bring a jacket around, but losing the additional space in the vehicle is definitely a downside to the car.

Plus there’s hardly any trunk space in the hood.

On a corner, there’s a small inscription that says that the vehicle is 1/900, which is ok, but it’s just a badge.

With the car, there are a few different settings you can drive the vehicle in.

The modes are called STRADA, SPORT, CORSA, and EGO.

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Depending on which driving setting you choose, the setting makes adjustments to the traction of the vehicle, the steering, and the suspension. Most people who drive Lamborghinis often drive them on the regular streets, so it’s not often you are able to take the vehicle out of the default street setting, which is STRADA.?

While the SVJ may attempt to have a much more comfortable drive in this setting, it’s still a performance vehicle. And because of that, even with the comfort of the settings to be more civil for city driving, the vehicle is still difficult for passengers to enter into.?

I’ve been driving Lamborghinis for years, so I’m used to the jerkiness of the vehicle, from acceleration to stopping and how the car kind of tosses you around when you drive, but when it comes to passengers, most people, like my girlfriend, feel their gut start to churn and often feel as if they need to throw up.?

On the contrary, if you decide to move into performance mode and go onto a track or something, they’ve also included a speed limiter that beeps when you’re over a certain speed limit.?

More than anything else, however, the Lamborghini isn’t really just a vehicle. It’s more of a collectible item, due to there being less than 1,000 of this particular model being available to the market.?

While I may use my car for my commutes to play tennis and around the city, most people who own a car like this tend to store it in a garage.?


The Lamborghini Aventador SVJ is the pinnacle of the marvels that have come out of Lamborghini’s engineering world. You can see the full list of the features here on their?website?but, some top features of the Lamborghini Aventador SVJ include:


The previous Aventador was eye-catching enough to start with, but the SVJ takes things up a notch.?

Most vehicle design is for looks. The purpose of the Aventador’s design changes involve utility and is integrated within the aerodynamics of the car. Such as the huge rear wing, engine cover which is slatted in a certain way to feed air into it, and a massive rear diffuser. These components don’t just help with the speed and aerodynamics of the car, but definitely add flair to the looks.?

The air intake on the side panels is redesigned for improved airflow.?

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From the front, it looks even more aggressive than the normal Aventador with a completely redesigned front bumper. It has flaps that can open or close depending on whether you want more downforce or less drag depending on the speed you’re going.?

The exterior of the Lamborghini Aventador SVJ is inspired by fighter jets. It has aerodynamic performance and extreme futuristic looks. This car uses airflow to help it steer, a bit like a plane.

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So as far as looks go, the car is a winner in my book.


The interior of the SVJ matches the sci-fi feel of the car. It is minimalistic, yet chic.?

It makes you feel like you’re sitting in the cockpit of a fighter jet.?

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There’s a massive dashboard with very angled lines.?

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It features a futuristic digital cluster that changes its look depending on the driving mode.?

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They have kept the focus on the performance and personality of the car and kept the interiors simple which works in favor of the car’s futuristic vibe.?

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It’s not very practical though with no glove box, door bins, or cup holders.?


The performance of the SVJ is the hero of the show. The engine is one of the main reasons to buy the Aventador SVJ. An Aventador has a standard horsepower of 730 but the SVJ brings the horsepower up to 770.?

It’s a VERY powerful mid-mounted naturally aspirated engine.?

It boasts an 8,000 rpm-plus V12 engine. It also boasts a top speed of over 217 mph, 0-124 mph in 8.6 seconds, and zero to 60 mph in only 2.7 seconds. The car sounds like a beast on the road but the ride is a little smoother than you would imagine. But not by much.

Essentially, the SVJ model in particular is the closest you can get to driving an actual F1 car on the local streets.?

It’s a good thing that a car with this performance has some serious brakes on it. There’s a dual hydraulic circuit brake system with 400 mm 6-cylinder brake calipers on the front, and 380 mm 4-cylinder brake calipers in the back. So the car has some serious stopping power.?

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These and some features make the car worth owning.?


It’s one thing to own a Lamborghini. Owning the Huracan showed me that. It really distinguishes you from drivers of other exotic cars, like the Maseratis and the Ferraris I’ve had in the past.?

But having a limited-edition vehicle such as the SVJ just brings things up a notch.?

More than anything, I see the Aventador SVJ as a milestone in my career as a day trader.

This car represents?my story from when I began trading. From being able to earn over $1 million a year within my first six years of active day trading. To be completely transparent by documenting and verifying every single trade I made up to 2021 on Profit.ly and?Kinfo.

In 2021 alone, I had some amazing wins. Some key highlights from last year include when I was able to make over?$3 million from GameStop and AMC.?

Then when I was able to?surpass $6 million?in a single day in October 2021.?

To me, this car represents the dreams of all of?my students. To see them achieve their own successes and take over the leaderboards on sites like Kinfo. To my more private students being able to start their own restaurant franchises from their trading profits, to retiring from their careers and to taking care of their families.

So many people in my field live off of the gambling mentality of the stock market and just try to hit it big. There are so few people who take the analytical, data-driven approach to make it. And even fewer people are able to undertake the extreme discipline it takes to become a profitable and consistent day trader.?

I’m glad that both my students and I have been able to adopt the discipline it takes while sticking to the data and the psychology behind trading—as opposed to getting caught in the hype and excitement in the market.?

Because of that, we have the assets to showcase and resemble the success we have achieved ourselves. More than anything, it is my journey that I love. It’s a journey that my students and I can be proud of.


As much as I love the Aventador SVJ, there are some things I don’t love about it.?

It’s mainly the impractical nature of it as a car. It is loud, not very spacious, and not a comfortable drive. Even in the most economical setting, it throws you back and forth because of being a single clutch—good luck taking it on a rough road.?

The visibility is not great either. There are a handful of blind spots when driving the vehicle.?

Plus none of my friends, let alone my girlfriend, actually wants to be in the car when I’m driving. They would much rather prefer to be in the Benz or the new Rolls Royce Ghost I picked up, after purchasing this car.


Lamborghinis are not the most common cars you will spot on the road, and owning one is a lifelong dream of many. Probably the best part of the SVJ is … looking at it and knowing you own a work of art that’s one of a kind.?

Because I have owned a few of these exotic supercars, I can truly look back at my journey and be proud of how far I’ve come.?

I don’t really think about it too much, because I’ve had exotic cars for the past half-decade.?

However, if I reflect back onto those childhood days of driving past the dealerships when I was with my family in China… It’s kind of… Humbling… To be able to know that what I had once dreamed of as a teenager ended up becoming a part of my reality.?

Owning cars like the Aventador SVJ has helped me become more disciplined, more confident, and more driven. Literally.?

After some hard reflection, I must say that living out your childhood passions gives you so much more confidence to keep moving forward because you know you must be doing something right—but it also humbles you at the same time.?

I am grateful I have been able to live out my passion for cars and will continue to do so.

Being a day trader is hard, lonely work, and it takes a lot of passion and focus. It’s not much different than a regular job, except that instead of interacting with bosses and dealing with interpersonal issues, you’re interacting with charts and graphs and numbers. As a successful day trader, it’s important to have a little fun in life too. It provides the motivation to keep going.


After I took ownership of the SVJ, I wanted to step my game up and get into the next level of cars on the exotic market.?

I picked up a white Koenigsegg Regera.?

There are only 80 cars of these made.

After that, I purchased a Rolls Royce Ghost with a baby blue interior and starlights on the cabin ceiling.?

Then I picked up a second Koenigsegg Regera.

Many people may see buying cars as a complete waste of money.?

However, the market has changed significantly from where it used to be.?

In California and other places around the United States, in about a decade, automobile manufacturers will have to meet government guidelines to make all of their vehicles electric, as opposed to operating with gas engines.

What that means as time goes by, these exotic gas engined vehicles will become extremely valuable collector’s pieces that will only appreciate in value (making them solid investments to hold onto).?

So while it may look like a frivolous toy I dumped a lot of money into, I’m certain that when it comes time for me to sell the SVJ into the market, it will have appreciated and will earn me a profit—much like many of the stocks I’ve traded throughout the past eight years.?

I appreciate you taking the time to get to know more about me and why I chose to purchase this particular vehicle. Feel free to peruse my site to learn more about me and what I do.?


If you would like to see more of what I do, how I am able to buy these cars (and get tips on day trading), come over to my?Youtube Channel?where I share practical day trading tips and training on how to trade—as well as behind-the-scenes insights into the trades I make.

You could also check out my?newsletter?where I write emails for people who want to learn the basic Day Trading Tips and the practical steps they should take to get started.

And then there’s my flagship educational program,?The Freedom Challenge.?

In this program, you will learn the basic to intermediate level information of what you need to become a day trader. You will also be given my top eight strategies, which I use regularly to trade. And you will be invited to my group classroom, where I answer questions and trade live weekly for my students. This flagship program is for day traders who want to level up and learn about the techniques I use, how to use them, and what to do to turn Day Trading into something that works out for them.


It’s time you stop wasting time, missing opportunities, and losing money due to platforms that only give you access to part of the process.?The mechanism is simple, effective and fast.

Speed and efficiency are two of the main things we focused on while building StockCraft.?To make the most of watchlists and choose the best stocks possible, join the StockCraft family and get access to our powerful watchlists (and many other amazing features).?Get access to our sophisticated screening software so you can track and follow the right stocks. Also, create your own Watchlists and get access to some of the ones we personally use. The time to make a mark in trading is NOW so the sooner you get started, the better. All you have to do is follow?this link?and choose the plan best for you and your trades.?

And if you’re keen to learn more day trading tips, check out this?Investing for Beginners series. I’m devoted to mentoring beginners in order to make day trading your primary source of income.?I also invite you to take a few further steps with me:?


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