What Is It Like To Have A Hybrid Internship?

What Is It Like To Have A Hybrid Internship?

Written by: Laney Miller, Digital Marketing Intern

A few months ago I was given an opportunity to grow through interning, and I accepted a hybrid position as a Digital Marketing Intern with Incept. The position has taught me not only skills that I will utilize throughout my career but also valuable business skills that you wouldn’t learn in a classroom. With my hybrid internship, I was able to complete my duties both at home and in the office. In this blog, I am going to discuss the hybrid internship experience, my personal experience as a digital marketing intern, and tips for those looking to.


I began my internship while I was in college. Having a hybrid internship meant two days in the office and one day working from home. In the beginning, being in the office was beneficial for my growth because I was able to interact with other co-workers, get a feel for the environment of my new company, and be introduced to all new materials firsthand.

Over time, I became more comfortable with my position and duties and now I can efficiently work from home as needed. Overall, I enjoyed the hybrid experience, and I appreciate having the ability to accomplish all of my tasks from home and knowing I have the opportunity to go into the office if I want or need to.?


As an intern at Incept, I am given the opportunity to explore several different areas, such as ad creation, reporting, sales support, etc. This allows me to discover strengths and try and learn new things that I might not have before which, over time, I am now doing on a daily basis with ease. For instance, one of the main areas of my internship is working on client projects, which includes daily/weekly analytical reporting, creating ads that represent the client’s brand, and completing the necessary tasks they request. I had previous experience with social platforms at my on-campus internship, but not with content creation, so this was fun to learn.

Each client has its own unique brand and style that works best for them and their company. By testing out different posts and styles, you learn what fits best for a particular audience for that specific client. Since it is important to keep your content fresh and updated, content creation can be time-consuming, however, I enjoy the creative ability at my fingertips and helping reach clients’ target audiences in a new way. Through learning this, I have grown immensely in my content creation and my creative skills with each client that I wouldn’t have thought of before.

Related Post: Top 3 Ad Design Tools To Recruit Blood Donors

Along with the daily tasks, I also contribute to one of the new projects that Incept is testing, the Donor Gratitude campaign videos. Donor gratitude videos are short clips I record for each of our client's donors to say thank you for their blood donation and encourage them to schedule their next appointment. Before, I wouldn’t have thought I would enjoy the project, but after allowing myself to test it out, I am glad to be a part of something that allows others to feel appreciated for all the good they are doing.

Want to learn more about how to say thank you to donors? Click here to find out!

Lastly, during my digital marketing internship at Incept, I have learned the ins and outs of reporting. Before Incept, I had no experience in reporting or reading analytics and knowing how to apply them. Reporting was very intimidating at first, especially for someone who was unaware of the topic, however, after months of interning at Incept, I am able to pull analytics from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, and LinkedIn. Being able to read the analytics and decipher what is working for an audience, and which platform works best, is key to having success with advertising. I know this is a lesson I will value in my digital marketing career and there is still more to learn.?

Related Post: Importance of Multichannel Blood Donor Recruitment — Incept Saves


  1. Utilize your connections and ask questions.
  2. Don’t be afraid to test something new. You’ll never know what you’ll end up liking or what could work well for a client.?
  3. It’s all a learning experience; you are bound to make mistakes. When this happens, learn from them and keep going.?

I highly recommend having an internship while in college or interning after graduation. It is the perfect entry-level position that allows you to gain valuable knowledge that you won’t learn in a classroom and helps prepare you for your future in your desired field. Interning is also a perfect way to enter the workforce because it not only helps you look more desirable to employers but interning is an overall great learning experience. There is a lot of room for growth when interning, therefore, this allows for mistakes to be made, and multiple attempts until success. While school prepared me for my internship, I believe Incept has helped prepare me for what to expect in the workforce and in digital marketing.



