What is it like to be a developer at Queue-it?

What is it like to be a developer at Queue-it?

To be honest, it's inspiring, it's fun, it's even empowering, but most of all, it is just a really great feeling to work here! In this article I will tell you what things makes life as a developer fun here, like how we work, tech, innovation, working hours, and a lot of other fun things.

About Queue-it

Queue-it is a market leader of virtual waiting rooms, and got customers in most segments, both big and small companies. Queue-it embraces diversity with more than 25 different nationalities in the Copenhagen office alone. I am working in a multicultural environment with extremely intelligent people coming from all over the world. We all exchange knowledge and ideas to inspire each other, all ages from young to old, from everywhere in the organization. Throughout the year we have events and parties, but apart from all the fun stuff, you will be working among smart people with great ideas and a growth mindset!

The development team

Queue-it employees having fun

The way we work

We are divided into small teams, each with 5 developers, and we are growing.

Our development process is very lightweight. We use Lean Startup, a truly agile process, which means we have a minimum of meetings, estimations are only used for prioritizations, and that also means we do not have deadlines - so not a stressful environment. On top of that, we do not believe in time registrations, we care about code quality instead.

We want our developers to be motivated for their work, so you will pick your own stories to work on. Deploying to production is a breeze too, since we are quite big on automated testing (UI testing and unit testing). So, we do not have a process with testers, and big releases. We can release in small pieces several times each day.

Consensus democracy

Here you will get influence, but you must share it with every other developer. If you have a good idea, everybody will listen to you, and if your arguments are great, everybody will agree we should do this. We value new inputs, thoughts, and ways to make the future better. We got "consensus democracy", where we all take part in improving things, and you have relevant peers (including the CTO, Martin Pronk) with technical experience to hear all your good arguments, for why this is better.

We embrace innovation

Because we got consensus democracy, it is often quite easy to improve processes, our tool-portfolio, or whatever needs to make your developer life easier. You will need to discuss with fellow developers why this would be an improvement, and most often the team will back you up, as we are in the same situation.

Queue-it developers playing poker

We have team meetings, where we can discuss how it is going as a team, and talk about what could be improved, or other things we need to discuss. It can be anything from changing our processes, using another tool for UI-testing, improving our unit testing, or trying to always having a buddy on a feature, to spar with, and to help with the completion of a specific feature.

In general we like to be innovative, so once a year we have a big Hackathon, where the whole company will spend 24 hours to come up with different ideas, and to be innovative towards our product, or find something new to try. Since the company is filled with talented and innovative people, we want everybody to be included, and hear their great ideas and inputs.

Queue-it having a hackathon

Tech stack

Being a world leader, requires a high degree of innovation, and interesting tech along with a sublime cloud platform. We have a very creative environment, with a lot of very skilled coders. You can see our tech stack at https://stackshare.io/queue-it/queue-it, but C# and .NET Core is fundamental parts of almost everything we do.

With the constant advancements in technology, you are always learning and building something new, part of your working hours will be spent on keeping yourself updated with current techs and standards.

Working hours

Queue-it values healthy and happy employees, and you can actually accomplish a good work-life balance. Working in tech, where everything is digital, and within the development team, you can work from anywhere at any time, so we are very flexible. This means that developers can work from home, and the flexible working hours, helps you with taking care of things outside of work.

Our space is meant to nurture your innovative and creative mind, so you can use part of your working hours to take your needed mental breaks playing fussball, ping pong, PlayStation, or arcade machines. Unless something completely unexpected happens, nobody in the development team is expected to work overtime. Overtime is really something rare - I haven't tried it, and a colleague of mine was here 2,5 year before it happened a one time only.

The turnover is very low, we have only had 3 developers leave in the entire lifetime of the company - that is until now 10 years.

Developers love fun

Here it will not only be all work, we are also very social in our development team.

When work is done, we go and ride go-karts, hold poker nights, have a paintball event, but also during working hours we go to meetups together, and go to big Amazon (AWS) events where we learn and have fun all together. In general, we have a strong bond together in development, as we do a lot together at work and outside work too, so you will be gaining a lot of new friends here.

Queue-it team

Queue-it developers, employees and founders out shooting paintball

Socializing together

Queue-it values the importance of working together, but also ensures it will be more than work, through a lot of opportunities to socialize through team building and other social events. This includes the annual Summer- and Christmas-party, but we also host a prestigious event called Queue-it Award Night. This a night to praise and thank these talented people and their accomplishments, where we celebrate achievements like the “Brand Ambassador of the Year”, “Innovator of the Year”, and even name a “Chief Happiness Officer of the Year”. Besides this it is always possible to pitch suggestions for different team building exercises throughout the year, and HR or the Diversity & Inclusion team will help make it a reality. This means development will not be the only place where you will have loads of fun.

Queue-it developers at Queue-it Award Night

The working environment is very international

You will join a very international and multicultural organisation, which we feel gives us a lot of benefits, as we gain a lot of broad perspectives, and insights from all over the world. This will also benefit you if you are an international applicant because we can help with your Danish work permit, and relocation, if you start to work here.

One team like a family

When you join the development department, you become part of a trust-based relationship - just like a family, where we all trust each other. Nobody will question when you come and leave from the office or work from home - since we trust you got a reason for it and will still manage to do your job. If you ever need any assistance, we will all be ready to help you out - the same goes outside the development department.

You will become part of an environment which values individuality and creativity, so new input, and fresh ideas. But this trust also entails we expect you to be self driven, so you search for new assignments, and have a certain passion for the job.

Working at Queue-it will also mean you will become part of a family that cares for you. You will be valued, and appreciated, and Queue-it understands to be more than generous with the word "Thank you", in specific events that shows you're appreciated and valued.

Examples can be that your manager will remember your birthday, and congratulate you, along with a birthday present. When you have worked the whole year, you will also be given a token of appreciation in form a Christmas present. When the outbreak of Corona brought everybody at home, everybody at the company received a nice chocolate box to keep spirits high and a thought from management and the founders in tough times.

What is a really great feeling?

Work is the thing we spend the most time on, next to sleeping, so it is very important that it is something you really enjoy doing every day.

So, for me, a “really great feeling”, means that I wake up happy every day, and look forward to going to work, both for having fun with my daily tasks, but also with all my colleagues.

I get to work with very bright people where I learn so many cool things. We all understand how to truly work together, the tech is fun, and so are the projects. At work we are collaborative and social, and outside work we continue the fun at lots of arrangements all year round. The people, the environment, the way we work, it is for me really inspiring.

Queue-it developers, employees & founders relaxing after go-kart race

Want to join the fun?

We are almost always looking for more talented people to join our journey, and if this small article gave you an interest in working for us, please take a look at our job postings here at: https://queue-it.com/job-openings/

Don’t hesitate to apply, and get a chance to work in a place where there is so much more to work, than what it says in the job ad.


