What are Lighthouse Scores in React JS?
In this fast-changing world of web development, user experience always stays on the priority. Because a website’s performance directly affects the user engagement, conversion rates, and even search engine rankings. This is where the role of Google Lighthouse comes into play. Because this provides a powerful auditing tool to improve the quality of the web applications when it gets built with React JS.
Here in this article, we will discuss in detail the lighthouse scores. So if you are looking to understand it, you need to understand the fundamental concepts of React. For this you can enroll in the React JS Course. It is essential to learn this course if you want to learn Lighthouse for building high-performing React applications. So let’s begin by understanding what is Google Lighthouse.
What is Google Lighthouse?
Lighthouse is one of the great tools that is open source and it is developed by Google. The main work of it is to audit the web page for the performance, accessibility, progressive web app (PWA) compliance, SEO, and more. Also, this provides a complete report with scores varying from 0 to 100 for each category, offering valuable insights into areas for improvement.?
To get a better understanding of this, you may need to get enrolled in the React JS Course in Pune. Also, you can get an internship or job opportunity after the completion of the course, as Pune is a hub for the technical institutions.
Improving React JS Application Performance for Better Lighthouse Scores:
Here we have discussed some practical strategies to help improve your React JS application’s Lighthouse scores. So if you have gained React JS Certification, then you can implement these strategies in practice:
Code Splitting and Lazy Loading
One of the best ways to improve your app’s performance is by splitting your code into smaller, manageable chunks and loading them only when necessary. This technique is called code splitting. By loading only the required parts of your application on demand, you can reduce the size of the initial bundle that needs to be downloaded. This helps reduce the time it takes for your app to load, resulting in better performance and a smoother user experience. Pair this with lazy loading for images, components, or routes that aren't immediately visible to the user, and you’ll see a significant improvement in your Lighthouse scores.
Optimize Images
Images can account for a large portion of your app’s load time. To improve your app’s performance, consider optimizing images by using compressed image formats like WebP instead of traditional formats like JPEG or PNG. WebP images are smaller in size and provide better quality at lower file sizes. Also, resize your images to fit the exact dimensions required for display on your app. There's no need to load a massive image when only a small one is needed. Finally, implement lazy loading for off-screen images so that they only load when the user scrolls down and they appear on the screen.
Minimize JavaScript Execution Time
Your app’s JavaScript code plays a big role in its performance. Use profiling tools to identify any performance bottlenecks, such as long-running scripts or unnecessary computations. By optimizing your JavaScript, you can reduce the time spent executing scripts and improve the overall user experience. Additionally, consider using memoization techniques like React. memo or useMemo to avoid unnecessary re-renders. Memoization allows React to remember a component’s output and only re-render it when the props or state change, saving valuable resources.
Use Server-Side Rendering (SSR) or Static Site Generation (SSG)
For improved initial load times and SEO, consider using Server-Side Rendering (SSR) or Static Site Generation (SSG). SSR and SSG allow content to be pre-rendered on the server before being sent to the browser, which speeds up the load time since the browser doesn’t have to process the JavaScript first. This also helps search engines better index your content, improving your SEO. Next.js is a popular React framework that supports SSR and SSG, and it makes it easy to implement these strategies in your app.
Optimize Third-Party Scripts
Third-party scripts can significantly slow down your app if not used carefully. Minimize the number of third-party libraries and services your app relies on, as each one adds load time. If you must use third-party scripts, ensure they’re loaded asynchronously or deferred, meaning they won’t block the main page from loading. This will help improve performance and make your app load faster.
Apart from this, you can also get enrolled in the React JS Training in Chennai, where you can find the valuable courses from the reputable training institutions. Also, this will add a credential to your portfolio.
From the above discussion, it can be said that if you follow these strategies and make performance a priority in React JS, then you can see various improvements. These improvements include loading times, user experience, and overall Lighthouse scores. When your app gets optimized, this app will improve performance, but also helps with SEO, accessibility, and scalability, ensuring a better experience for your users.